Syntax and Examples for XO-Server webhooks
Hi All,
I have just started playing with XO-Server webhooks, however I can't tell if my syntax is incorrect and I am not sure of the exact syntax to use when attempting webhooks.
I have read through the documentation but I can't find any working examples of webhooks.
Can someone please point me in the right direction or maybe provide an example of a working webhook to start or restart a VM ?
Many thanks
Thanks Olivier. Surely someone is using webhooks and can share an example http request into XO-Server to start a VM.
The rest I can work out from there.
Please reping them tomorrow
OK no worries, thanks OL.
Hi @BeDazzleMe,
Can someone please point me in the right direction or maybe provide an example of a working webhook to start or restart a VM ?
web hooks allow you to be notified when something happens in XO, not the other way around, at least for now. You can find an example there:
Thanks @pdonias much appreciated.
My goal was to pass commands to XO-Server from a secure VM that can start/restart VMs via script.
I'm really struggling to integrate XCP-NG remote control functionality and now may need to start looking at something else.
So just use
Because I want to push users through a web portal interface which can obtain information from XO-Server for presentation back (ie: VM status, parameters, etc) whilst also allowing users to start/restart/shutdown VMs.
We looked at XOA however it was too expensive and the free version has nag text messages which I don't want presented to users.