XOA hangs when trying to show SR in webbrowser..
I have a wierd problem..
I have 5 SR connected to 2 pools (SR 1+2 on pool 1 and SR 3-5 on pool 2)..
I cant access one of the SR from XOA.. The browser just freezes and locks completely.. Only way to get i working again is to close the tab and open a new one..
This has been testes on Chrome, Edge and Firefox on both http and https.. The behaviour is the same across all browsers.. and it only the one SR, all the other show just fine...
Are the any logs I can try and probe to find a root to the problem?
Check the browser console.
Also be sure to have a latest XO.
I updated before trying again.. same issue.. However I cant seem to load the xo plugin.. It throws this error:
Xo#requestResource is already defined
Dunno if that is affecting anything..
Theres no output in console when I try and access the affected SR, I just hangs again
Are you using XOA or XO from the sources? If XOA, on which release channel are you?
XOA, im on the latest channel
You should open a ticket with a support tunnel, tell us the SR and then we can take a look
You have a problem on your XOA. Please re-deploy a fresh one.
I have done that now.. How to I move my license to the new install?
It says its bound to another XOA
I have tried on both latest and stable.. xo plugin still fails
But now I can see all my SR
There's an small update you should see now in your XOA. Install it, and you'll be able to bind the license to this new XOA