Alert: Control Domain Memory Usage
It seems to be good here! -
So we found the good patch
That was a really tricky issue to find!
Once again, an issue that was present in vendor drivers but not in the mainline kernel. It's becoming harder and harder to trust vendor drivers. But that's what they require for support...
Our Citrix ticket has been worked and they concluded that the NIC driver is to blame here as well. They had us collect debug info using:
/opt/xensource/libexec/xen-cmdline --set-dom0 page_owner=on
They then confirmed the memory leak was from the NIC driver. They are intending to release a public hotfix for this issue.
Nice to see Citrix are also getting to the same conclusions
edit: thanks @fasterfourier for your feedback!
Official Citrix update has been posted:
What I still find really weird is the fact we had report of the issue far longer before Citrix. And we had roughly 10 people affected while Citrix got only 1 report
Probably plenty of Citrix customers were affected, but they would rather reboot on schedule than spend months working through the support process
haha that might be the answer indeedβ¦
Does this fix has been released or is to be released ?
@jcastang It is being tested and you can join the effort:
yum update intel-ixgbe --enablerepo=xcp-ng-testing
. The results are very good, I just want a bit more feedback. -
@stormi Ok, I will update one of our pools and get some results.
@delaf Can you point me the tool you are using to get memory graphs ? (I want to check my upgraded pool).
I was searching in Advance live Telemetry with no luck. -
Netdata will only give you the last hour.
If you want longer metrics, you need to send the data in Prometheus/Grafana.
@jcastang we are using a netdata/prometheus/grafana stack.
@olivierlambert you can change the retention method and keep much more data on netdata. There is also (since netdata 1.18 i think) a dbengine that allows you to store data on disk.
PS: we are not using the netdata config from "Advanced telemetry": we are installing our own netdata config.
dbengine is a bit dangerous on dom0. There used to be a bug where it would keep growing forever, so I don't trust it anymore.
@stormi oh I did not know that as I never use it: I only know that it exists
@stormi Hello, some week after, I can confirm that the problem is solved here by using intel-ixgbe.x86_64@5.5.2-2.1.xcpng8.1 or intel-ixgbe.x86_64@5.5.2-2.1.xcpng8.2
PS: i'm using these 2 scripts to list all interfaces drivers version accross our servers :
$ cat #!/bin/bash format="| %-13.13s | %-20.20s | %-20.20s | %-10.10s | %-7.7s | %-10.10s | %-30.30s | %-s \n" printf "${format}" "date" "hostname" "OS" "interface" "driver" "version" "firmware" "yum" printf "${format}" "----------------------------" "----------------------------" "----------------------------" "----------------------------" "----------------------------" "----------------------------" "----------------------------" "----------------------------" if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then servers=($(echo ${BASH_ARGV[*]})) else servers=($(cat host.json | jq -r '.[] | .address' | egrep -v "^$")) fi for line in ${servers[@]}; do scp ${line}:/tmp/ > /dev/null 2>&1; ssh -n ${line} bash /tmp/ 2> /dev/null; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "${line} fail" >&2 fi done
$ cat #!/bin/bash format="| %-13.13s | %-20.20s | %-20.20s | %-10.10s | %-7.7s | %-10.10s | %-30.30s | %-s \n" d=$(date '+%Y%m%d-%H%M') name=$(hostname) cd /sys/class/net/ for interface in $(ls -l /sys/class/net/ | awk '/\/pci/ {print $9}'); do version=$(ethtool -i ${interface} | awk '/^version:/ {$1=""; print}') firmware=$(ethtool -i ${interface} | awk '/^firmware-version:/ {$1=""; print}') driver=$(ethtool -i ${interface} | awk '/^driver:/ {$1=""; print}') YUM=$(which yum) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then packages=$(yum list installed | awk '/ixgbe/ {print $1"@"$2}' | tr '\n' ',') else packages="NA" fi os_version=$(lsb_release -d | awk '{$1=""} 1' | sed 's/XenServer/XS/; s/ (xenenterprise)//; s/release //') printf "${format}" "${d}" "${name}" "${os_version}" "${interface}" "${driver}" "${version}" "${firmware}" "${packages}" done
file is generated via :xo-cli --list-objects type=host