Alert: Control Domain Memory Usage
Our Citrix ticket has been worked and they concluded that the NIC driver is to blame here as well. They had us collect debug info using:
/opt/xensource/libexec/xen-cmdline --set-dom0 page_owner=on
They then confirmed the memory leak was from the NIC driver. They are intending to release a public hotfix for this issue.
Nice to see Citrix are also getting to the same conclusions
edit: thanks @fasterfourier for your feedback!
Official Citrix update has been posted:
What I still find really weird is the fact we had report of the issue far longer before Citrix. And we had roughly 10 people affected while Citrix got only 1 report
Probably plenty of Citrix customers were affected, but they would rather reboot on schedule than spend months working through the support process
haha that might be the answer indeedβ¦
Does this fix has been released or is to be released ?
@jcastang It is being tested and you can join the effort:
yum update intel-ixgbe --enablerepo=xcp-ng-testing
. The results are very good, I just want a bit more feedback. -
@stormi Ok, I will update one of our pools and get some results.
@delaf Can you point me the tool you are using to get memory graphs ? (I want to check my upgraded pool).
I was searching in Advance live Telemetry with no luck. -
Netdata will only give you the last hour.
If you want longer metrics, you need to send the data in Prometheus/Grafana.
@jcastang we are using a netdata/prometheus/grafana stack.
@olivierlambert you can change the retention method and keep much more data on netdata. There is also (since netdata 1.18 i think) a dbengine that allows you to store data on disk.
PS: we are not using the netdata config from "Advanced telemetry": we are installing our own netdata config.
dbengine is a bit dangerous on dom0. There used to be a bug where it would keep growing forever, so I don't trust it anymore.
@stormi oh I did not know that as I never use it: I only know that it exists
@stormi Hello, some week after, I can confirm that the problem is solved here by using intel-ixgbe.x86_64@5.5.2-2.1.xcpng8.1 or intel-ixgbe.x86_64@5.5.2-2.1.xcpng8.2
PS: i'm using these 2 scripts to list all interfaces drivers version accross our servers :
$ cat #!/bin/bash format="| %-13.13s | %-20.20s | %-20.20s | %-10.10s | %-7.7s | %-10.10s | %-30.30s | %-s \n" printf "${format}" "date" "hostname" "OS" "interface" "driver" "version" "firmware" "yum" printf "${format}" "----------------------------" "----------------------------" "----------------------------" "----------------------------" "----------------------------" "----------------------------" "----------------------------" "----------------------------" if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then servers=($(echo ${BASH_ARGV[*]})) else servers=($(cat host.json | jq -r '.[] | .address' | egrep -v "^$")) fi for line in ${servers[@]}; do scp ${line}:/tmp/ > /dev/null 2>&1; ssh -n ${line} bash /tmp/ 2> /dev/null; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "${line} fail" >&2 fi done
$ cat #!/bin/bash format="| %-13.13s | %-20.20s | %-20.20s | %-10.10s | %-7.7s | %-10.10s | %-30.30s | %-s \n" d=$(date '+%Y%m%d-%H%M') name=$(hostname) cd /sys/class/net/ for interface in $(ls -l /sys/class/net/ | awk '/\/pci/ {print $9}'); do version=$(ethtool -i ${interface} | awk '/^version:/ {$1=""; print}') firmware=$(ethtool -i ${interface} | awk '/^firmware-version:/ {$1=""; print}') driver=$(ethtool -i ${interface} | awk '/^driver:/ {$1=""; print}') YUM=$(which yum) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then packages=$(yum list installed | awk '/ixgbe/ {print $1"@"$2}' | tr '\n' ',') else packages="NA" fi os_version=$(lsb_release -d | awk '{$1=""} 1' | sed 's/XenServer/XS/; s/ (xenenterprise)//; s/release //') printf "${format}" "${d}" "${name}" "${os_version}" "${interface}" "${driver}" "${version}" "${firmware}" "${packages}" done
file is generated via :xo-cli --list-objects type=host
FYI, I have just published security updates today PLUS the fixed
driver as an official update to XCP-ng 8.1 and 8.2.We made it. This is the end of this huge thread.
A big thank you to everyone involved in debugging the issue.
And this is not a
Its not solving it, but you can run
echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
to release some of the cache again, without interfering with running processes.
[root@host2 ~]# free -m
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 15958 3308 158 8 12491 2355
Swap: 1023 177 846
[root@host2 ~]# echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
[root@host2 ~]# free -m
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 15958 3308 2598 10 10051 2751
Swap: 1023 177 846