Wasabi just wont work...
Hi All,
Just updated community edition to latest build but Wasabi just wont work for me. Essentially I have added it as a remote, and it tests ok. When I run a backup job (full) to Wasabi with a small VM (10gb) it tries for 5 minutes then fails. During that 5 minutes, the job immediately reports "Not implemented". Checking tasks, there is a Vm.destroy job on the node the VM is running on that just sits at 0% with the backup job queued behind it.
I have NFI whats going on but would love it if I can get some help on this as I would love to be able to pipe my backups into Wasabi.
@adzza Hi, Please check latest version and keep us posted
I am also interested in Wasabi. Let me know if it works.
I was able to get Wasabi working with Xen Orchestra. In my case referring to some documentation got me through the configuration.
XO's support for Amazon was sufficient.
The proper AWS endpoint was crucial. As is your access key and secret key.
create a bucket, then create a folder under the bucket. Give XO the bucket name and the folder name.
The caveat is my backup speed is slow.
@olivierlambert I have a 100x100 over fiber. I was getting between 4 & 8 Megabits.
Wasabi was fine for small VMs, but not really feasible for my whole environment (40 VMs some as large as 1-terabyte).
I did notice that backing up larger VMs via XO to Wasabi (100 GB or more) would time out and fail between 60% & 80% complete. Small VMs were not a problem.
@indyj I tested mounting the bucket via s3fs and using rsync to copy some backups from my server to Wasabi.
The transfer rates were ok early in the sync process but eventually the speed dropped off into the 20 to 40 KBs speed. I'm guessing this is where XO would give up.
5.79.3 / 5.81.0
All of my backups work (now), and speeds range between 5 MB/s to 20 MB/s.
Most of my VM's are smaller (zstd helps a lot), though the largest archive is about 80 GB.
Also, all of my backups are sequential -- I seem to remember a previous note where somebody had problems with concurrent uploads.
My XOCE VM runs with 12 GB, which was the number that "just works" according to some of my earlier problems (and I haven't bothered to chase down or fine tune further).