S3 Backup Retention Not Deleting Old Backups
It's already 22 days old and more than 30 commits old. Please always check that your are on the latest
commit and rebuild before reporting an issue -
@olivierlambert Thank you, didn't realize it's been that long. Just updated to latest commit (b78a9). I'll see in a week or so if the issue resolves itself.
I'm wondering if I should change the b2 Lifecycle settings from 7 days to only last version? Just not clear on how XO full & delta backups with the b2 Lifecycle settings interact with each other:
My gut feeling: avoid any interaction, because XO is not meant to have files removed by another program, this might destroy your backup.
@olivierlambert Thank you, I've changed the settings on b2 to "Keep all versions of the file (default)".
Can anyone assist as to why my full backups are over 30 days old:
Here is my backup settings:
I want to have a total of 7 backups per week (1 full plus 6 deltas).
@stevewest15 If you are running XO from Source then you must update to the newest master. S3 backups just started working correctly for me on the newest version. If you are using XOA or another older tag version then it has old code for S3 and has issues with delta backups.
Second, your backup retention is only set to 3. If you want 7 restore points then you want to increase the retention.
With a delta backup you will always have at least 1 or 2 full backups saved. You will then have additional deltas between them to get a restore point.
The Full Backup interval does not determine how many full backups you keep but how often you have a full from which future deltas are based (and merged into).
Full+delta,,,,+delta = restore point.
The system will need a 2nd full backup as your deltas age and hit your Full backup interval and new deltas are based off of the new full backup. When all the old deltas are merged into the old full backup it will be removed and you will again only have one full backup plus deltas.
@andrew Thanks Andrew! I just updated to latest commit and will run backup job again based on the following new settings (see below). I did remove the advanced settings of "Full backup interval" to blank so not sure if that matters or not when doing deltas:
@stevewest15 Only running one full backup the first time and then deltas going forward is creating a synthetic full backup (deltas merged into the original full backup). The problem with this is if there is an error in the program (coding) or a delta backup error (or S3 error) then your "full" backup will be corrupted going forward, for ever... until the next real full backup. So you'll still want to run a true full backup regularly to make sure that you don't have long term errors in the synthetic full backup.
Other companies (like Veem) use a single full copy for both forward and reverse deltas to save space. For now XO only uses forward deltas so there will be more than one full backup at times.
@florent Testing today's XO master update, S3 backup works faster than ever. As this feature is still "beta" it's changing every update (normally improving).
@andrew thank you for the clarification! XO isn't very clear on that as I thought after the 7 backup retention, it will automatically run a new full back. So do you think doing this will work where to offer 1 full backup per week and then 6 deltas in between:
@olivierlambert, if an admin selects to delete backups, does XO delete these from the S3 bucket?
Last night, I selected to delete all backups from XO that are stored on b2 S3 bucket (about 50 backups). However when I checked b2 this morning, it seems nothing got deleted from the bucket:
The above bucket contains only XO backups (for VMs and Pool/Config backups) so the bucket size should have reduced to only a few hundred MBs instead of still being over 10TB.
Dunno it's @florent you should ask