Anti affinity on xoa
I've been looking on howto setup load balancing plans and the anti-affinity plans for my cluster, but am unable to find anything.
I'm running xoa from sources, and have enabled the load-balancing plugin.Where exactly should i be able to add new plans?
You need to add a plan inside the
plugin. Click on "Add".Oh and small correction: XOA can't be from the sources. XOA means Xen Orchestra virtual Appliance so it's only distributed by Vates
You are simply using XO from the sources.
Unsure, I can't see an Add button. Am I missing something?
@reinvtv Click on "Fill information"
lol, now i'm plainly embarrassed...
My guess is my brain could not handle the (optional) xD
In your defense, the UI is clearly bad on plugins (due to configuration limits).
@olivierlambert well, yes, there is definitely room for improvement on that part of the gui ;). although I was able to get any other plugin working
no worries though, the quick fix is to remove the (optional)