Backup don't work in 5.74.x
Hi, i've upgraded to 5.74 at 9/1 but then backup stop his work (the process remain at start).
I see 5.74.1, i've upgraded (the old process is closed by upgrade) but nothing..
i've started one backup, the lolg say:{ "data": { "mode": "full", "reportWhen": "always" }, "id": "1662361878014", "jobId": "9726d27c-6718-4323-b804-f054461b0741", "jobName": "Backup IMAP", "message": "backup", "scheduleId": "cf9db42b-e53d-404d-8b2b-95acb8fb51e3", "start": 1662361878014, "status": "pending" }
Pending for...?
There's 0 chance we can assist without more context. Are you using XO from the sources or XOA? Which edition?
@olivierlambert xoa, channel in xen orchestra latest.
I always upgrade from xoa, never by source
for the new imap VM i've the correct async.vm.snapshot call for the old backup, no call for the backup from 9/1
../xensource.log.8.gz:Aug 29 00:00:06 ctx6 xapi: [debug||17186116 HTTPS>|Async.VM.snapshot R:d999bc56b63f|audit] VM.snapshot: VM = 'bf73a0d2-63c2-c6ed-b7df-f9833404ec8a (New IMAP)'; new_name = '[XO Backup Backup IMAP] New IMAP'
@olivierlambert i've tried the Microsoft rule and i downgrade to 5.73 (nothing change) and the reboot xoa VM.
now work finenow i do some backup job and reupgrade to 5.74
If you use XOA, I would strongly suggest to open a support ticket. This way, we can investigate properly on your XOA and see what's going on.