XCP-ng Authentication to AD (2019)
Am trying to create a centralized xcp-ng 8.2 pool user management by adding it to Active Directory (Windows server 2019). Have created user groups and added corresponding users to the said groups.
Am able to add the xcp-ng pool to AD and link respective groups successfully. Issue is when i try to reconnect as one of the users in those groups , i get:Sep 21 10:56:27 xcpone xapi: [error||4753 :::80||backtrace] Raised Server_error(SESSION_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED, [ testuser@grocone.com; Error: LW_ERROR_NOT_HANDLED (0x9c51) ]).
Anyone with an insight ?
lwsmd.service is running okay -
We are not testing this feature during our QA. Usually, we advise to instead connect Xen Orchestra to your AD, without touching XCP-ng.
I edited your post to use Markdown syntax, it's easier to read.
@olivierlambert Thanks for the insight much appreciated. do you have any guide you would recommend.
For XO it's relatively simple: https://xen-orchestra.com/docs/users.html#ldap
For XCP-ng to AD, I have no idea. I think @Darkbeldin tried without success.
@olivierlambert Yes I remember trying it, it wasn't working but I'm not sure I remember why.
But mostly this is a feature intended for remote desktop user and why quit don't do that in XCP.
You should not have lots of people given direct access to your hosts, as you said this should be done through XOA. -
@olivierlambert Thanks for the link , seems i will go the XOA route as suggested by @Darkbeldin