A "socket" was not created for HTTP request before 300000ms
@olivierlambert They are not in pool
I've just pulled last main branch:
Problem stays the same.
$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Release: 10
Codename: buster$ node -v
v16.19.0$ yarn -v
1.22.19 -
@BrunoMorais you are not using a right Node version. Our doc is pretty clear with it: https://xen-orchestra.com/docs/installation.html#nodejs
Please use the right version and rebuild everything. Even if the result is the same, at least we can compare apples to apples.
root@space:/opt/xo/xo-builds/xen-orchestra-202302270756# git show
commit 24ac3ea37d0f4f8e35c2532d93ca13a0308aa4a3 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: Julien Fontanet julien.fontanet@isonoe.net
Date: Sat Feb 25 10:55:03 2023 +0100feat: release 5.79.3
@arsenieciprian can you try to go on commit
, rebuild and tell me if you have the same problems? -
@olivierlambert It must be 16.14?
@BrunoMorais have you read the link I provided?
@olivierlambert Yes I've read. It show 16.14 version. I thought to maintain the major verions and I could use a more updated minor version.
So I was asking if I must stay with 16.14. -
@olivierlambert I see. Please always use latest Node LTS.
i m doing'it now, wait 10 mins pls
@arsenieciprian Bruno it means LTS
I'm using the latest lts which is 18
root@space:/opt/xo/xo-builds/xen-orchestra-202302271416# git show
commit bc0afb589e96694fb30410cc5843ada6a866d995 (HEAD)
Author: ...
Date: Fri Feb 17 10:42:35 2023 +0100it seems that is working
i will retry now with master to see if issue persist
Okay thanks, so we are now 100% sure about the problematic commit, but we still have hard time to reproduce it and therefore, understand why this is broken.
thank you for help and prompt support. i will use this comit bc0afb589e96694fb30410cc5843ada6a866d995 until issue is fixed -
@arsenieciprian is your restore working fine ?
When I get home (I have the same problem on my home lab and at work I don't have internet in the servers area), I can open a tunnel if you want. -
@Gheppy This will be probably helpful, I suppose you can have an XOA up to date with the issue, right?