Import from vmware esxi 6.0 or 6.5
@olivierlambert Not an urgent thing. First test on this.
I get the same error after installing Orchestra yesterday. Using on Ubuntu 20.04.xx LTS
xo-server 5.113.0 - Xen Orchestra server
xo-web 5.116.1 - Xen Orchestra web client$ sudo bash # bash -c "$(curl"
Test by trying to import from ESXi version: 6.7.0 ESXi build number: 18828794 and not vCenter
vm.importMultipleFromEsxi { "concurrency": 2, "host": "", "network": "2c7b3460-99a0-4824-4533-a308d979bce1", "password": "* obfuscated *", "sr": "4b1dcb1a-4adf-929c-b972-f6deaee35f68", "sslVerify": false, "stopOnError": true, "stopSource": false, "thin": true, "user": "root", "vms": [ "26", "27" ] } { "succeeded": {}, "message": "Property description must be an object: undefined", "name": "TypeError", "stack": "TypeError: Property description must be an object: undefined at Function.defineProperty (<anonymous>) at Task.onProgress (/opt/xen-orchestra/@vates/task/combineEvents.js:51:16) at Task.#emit (/opt/xen-orchestra/@vates/task/index.js:126:21) at Task.#maybeStart (/opt/xen-orchestra/@vates/task/index.js:133:17) at Task.runInside (/opt/xen-orchestra/@vates/task/index.js:152:21) at (/opt/xen-orchestra/@vates/task/index.js:138:31) at asyncEach.concurrency.concurrency (file:///opt/xen-orchestra/packages/xo-server/src/api/vm.mjs:1372:58) at next (/opt/xen-orchestra/@vates/async-each/index.js:90:37)" }
Thank you for the assist.
Please try with XOA and report (XOA Free fully up to date on
) -
@olivierlambert hmm seems to be an issue on the latest channel if esxi6.5 and from my thread where Iām on 8.0 fails?
Then try on
to check if it works then@florent will investigate ASAP
hi @stilllearning @michmoor0725 @dumarjo we merged a fix in master.
For those who use a XOA, open a support tunnel and I will patch the installationregards
@florent Thank you! Support tunnel opened.
Give this id to the support: 34781
I just updated XOA and import VMs from ESXi 6.7. I am confirming the latest XOA build (update) does work.
I will test the XO next and report.
Thank you @florent
@stilllearning I may have not received the patch yet? Still failing for me. @florent
@michmoor0725 Can you open a tunnel and send me the tunnel number by chat ?
the patch won't be released before a few days -
@florent Tunnel ID sent via chat. Thank you for your help.