Truenas Scales VM failed to start
@jag5cof I imagine it's something like:
- List the param of your VM with
xe vm-param-list uuid=<uuid>
- Find the line like
- Then you can remove with
xe vm-param-remove other-config:pci=0/0000:04:01.0 uuid=<uuid>
- List the param of your VM with
@AtaxyaNetwork ok and thanks
@AtaxyaNetwork I'm gettin this error when I run this command
Required parameter not found: param-name
xe vm-param-remove other-config:pci=0/0000:03:00.0 uuid=vm#I add the correct pci id and vm uuid
@jag5cof Maybe
xe vm-param-remove param-name=other-config param-key=pci=0/0000:03:00.0 uuid=<uuid>
? -
@AtaxyaNetwork I got this error when I ran your cmd - Key pci=0/0000:03:00.0 is not in map
I aslo ran xl pci-assignable-list
0000:03:00.0 -
@jag5cof I just discussed this with @olivierlambert, the right syntax is:
xe vm-param-remove param-name=other-config param-key=pci uuid=<VM UUID>
He will add the procedure to delete PCI passthrough in the docs
I updated the doc, it's now available:
@AtaxyaNetwork I appreciate you working with me on this. It is a learn experience.
@olivierlambert I'm still getting this error - Key pci is not in map
Check if you have the PCI parameter enabled on the VM first:
xe vm-param-list uuid=<VM UUID>
@olivierlambert What line am I'm looking for on the vm after the
cmd is run -
linePaste it here
@olivierlambert I'm not sure what you ar asking?
Paste the output of
xe vm-param-list uuid=<VM UUID>
in here. -
@olivierlambert Do you think it would be easier to re-install truenas and not applied passthough
No. Just paste the result so we can see the content of the
field. -
@olivierlambert ok, it's is very long.
You can just paste the line with
other-config (MRW): pci: 0/0000:03:00.0; auto_poweron: true; xo:b9a7f807: {"creation":{"date":"2023-09-22T18:53:41.645Z","template":"3de5e9c4-bafa-4f20-8720-7788e0eab29e","user":"a7544dd9-a75f-4efb-a624-df74be00ab2b"}}; base_template_name: Debian Bookworm 12; import_task: OpaqueRef:2fbd30f0-79c3-4fe7-93c4-2fb519e1b9a1; mac_seed: 735a05db-2ac0-fa52-dd17-7d1a3dee98c3; install-methods: cdrom,nfs,http,ftp; linux_template: true dom-id ( RO): -1 recommendations ( RO): <restrictions><restriction field="memory-static-max" max="1649267441664"/><restriction field="vcpus-max" max="32"/><restriction field="has-vendor-device" value="false"/><restriction field="allow-gpu-passthrough" value="1"/><restriction field="allow-vgpu" value="1"/><restriction field="allow-network-sriov" value="1"/><restriction field="supports-bios" value="yes"/><restriction field="supports-uefi" value="no"/><restriction field="supports-secure-boot" value="no"/><restriction max="255" property="number-of-vbds"/><restriction max="7" property="number-of-vifs"/></restrictions> xenstore-data (MRW): vm-data/mmio-hole-size: 536870912; vm-data:
So yes, it's still there. Double check the UUID and that you are typing correctly:
xe vm-param-remove param-name=other-config param-key=pci uuid=<use the UUID of the VM>