XCP-ng Center 20.04.01 - console no "remote desktop RDP" on Windows 11 VM
Can you be more specific? Where are you looking for "remote desktop RDP" exactly?
I suppose you mean nothing is happening when you click the RDP button?
If that's the case that's because you need to associate the MIME type with the RDP application you are using.for windows you can create a .reg file with this content to register with windows MSTSC
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\rdp] @="URL:Remote Desktop Protocol <URL:Remote%20Desktop%20Protocol> " "EditFlags"=dword:00000002 "URL Protocol"="" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\rdp\shell] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\rdp\shell\open] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\rdp\shell\open\command] @="cmd /V:ON /c setlocal && set url=%1 && set url=!url:rdp://=! && set url=!url:/=! && start mstsc.exe /v:!url!"
@Darkbeldin i will try it.
where to place this file? -
Yoiu just create the file on your desktop and execute it it will add the register key. -
@Darkbeldin I have executed the reg file. the RDP is still grayed out in console.
when i hover over the button, error "no IP address reported by client tools."
am I need to install VM tools? i right click on VM and there is option to install tool. however it is in linux version. -
You should always install VM tools in your guest. Otherwise, we can't report the IP address outside, and therefore you can't get the RDP URL.
@olivierlambert ok i saw it
let me install it. -
it is failed. -
I restarted PC then this error appear. -
Yes current tools are probably not compatible with W11 as we don't support installing W11 VMs into XCP. -
Try with the Citrix tools then
oh yes XenServer VM Tools for Windows 9.3.2.msi works fine now i can rdp in console. -
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