Restoring from backup failing
@olivierlambert I wholeheartedly agree. This is why I'm pushing for getting a support contract whenever we renew our DC during Q1 2024. This was done many moons ago by employees who no longer work here, and we haven't had the time to touch it until now.
So there should be no issues with us upgrading to newer/newest version of XOA?
To update: It's very hard to tell, but it's a good first step I would say.
As you can see, despite asking afterward, we are keen to help here anyway, and we all hope you'll be able to restore
So let's try to solve this!
@olivierlambert This is what impresses me most about XCP. The CEO and Co-Founder is solving issues on the forums. Never seen it before..
We are worried about touching this at all as I previously stated. Is there any reason to believe that updating XOA will have any impact on current backups, or current running VM's?
No impact on running VMs/current production. I'm not aware of incompatibility, we never removed the compatibility with older versions.
@emiltmx Any update?
@Danp Hello! So we've decided to run up a new installation of XO (from the sources at the moment) on a new VM, as the old installation is running in a docker container.. Which we know is not supported.
What I am wondering is, is it possible to migrate the XO database over to the new installation? Because if I am to attempt a restore from this new VM, it needs to be able to know where the old snapshots are right?
@emiltmx Yes, go to Settings > XO Config and export the configuration.
You should then be able to import the configuration into your new installation and have all of your settings/backups/remotes restored.
@DustinB even if the old installation is an older version of XO?
We were running 5.74 on the old one, 5.91 on the new one (I think? Xen Orchestra, commit 838f9).
@emiltmx said in Restoring from backup failing:
@DustinB even if the old installation is an older version of XO?
We were running 5.74 on the old one, 5.91 on the new one (I think? Xen Orchestra, commit 838f9).
I can't say for certain that the config hasn't undergone any major changes, but you should at least test it.
@DustinB Seems like just attaching the remote SR found all the backups. Now to test if they work
One of the restores worked so that's good. Attempting a full backup now to see if updating to newest version fixed all our issues. We also had some VDI chain issues when running backups, so seems like VDI's are refusing to coalesce for some reason. Will report back after testing.