Example - List all VM backups
I am struggeling, when it comes to write small scripts with API-calls. Perhaps, this one can help some of you.
The code is not "beautiful", but working.
It lists all backups to be able to browse them, monitor, etc.:#!/bin/bash export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin /usr/local/bin/xo-cli --register --alowUnauthorized --token XXXX http://xoa # Script lists all backups on all remotes. # --verbose gives the "full" output # Without --verbose, the fields in the output are limited to the most important ones. # Restore possible with e.g.: xo-cli backupNg.importVmBackup id='<BackupID>' sr=<TARGET-SR-UUID> settings=json:'{"newMacAddresses":false}' VERBOSE_MODE=0 for arg in "$@" do if [ "$arg" = "--verbose" ] || [ "$arg" = "-v" ]; then VERBOSE_MODE=1 fi done # Create Empty TMP-file cat /dev/null > /tmp/listVMs.txt # Check every "enabled" remote for remote in $(xo-cli remote.getAll --json | jq -r '.[] | [.enabled,.name,.id] | @csv' | | grep -e '^true') do remoteenabled=$(echo $remote | awk -F "," '{print $1}') remotename=$(echo $remote | awk -F "," '{print $2}' | sed 's/["'\'']//g' ) remoteuuid=$(echo $remote | awk -F "," '{print $3}' ) # Check every backup on that remote for i in $( xo-cli backupNg.listVmBackups remotes=json:["$remoteuuid"] | grep 'name_label\|id:\|size\|timestamp' | grep -v uuid | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/,\n/;/g' | sed 's/[[:space:]]//g') do backupid=$(echo $i | grep -Po "id:\'[0-9a-z].*" | awk -F ";" '{print $1}' | awk -F "'" '{print $2}') backuptimestamp=$(echo $i | grep -Po 'timestamp:[0-9]{13}' | awk -F ":" '{print $2}') backuptimestamp=$(($backuptimestamp + 0)) backuptimedate=$(date -d @$(($backuptimestamp / 1000))) backupage=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", ($(date +%s%3N) - $backuptimestamp) / 86400000 }") vmname=$(echo $i | grep -Po "name_label:'.*'" | awk -F "'" '{print $2}') if [ -z "$vmname" ];then vmname="UNKNOWN"; fi backupsize=$(echo $i | grep -Po 'size:[0-9]{1,30}' | awk -F ":" '{print $2}') backupsize=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\", $backupsize / 1024 / 1024}") echo $vmname";"$backupage";"$backuptimestamp";"$backuptimedate";"$backupsize";"$remotename";"$backupid >> /tmp/listVMs.txt done done if [ "$VERBOSE_MODE" -eq 1 ] then echo "VM-Name;BackupAge(d);BackupTimestamp;BackupTimeDate;BackupSize(MB);RemoteName;BackupID" cat /tmp/listVMs.txt | sort else echo "VM-Name;BackupAge(d);BackupTimestamp;BackupTimeDate;BackupSize(MB);RemoteName;BackupID" | awk -F ";" '{print $1 ";" $3 ";" $4 ";" $5 ";" $6}' cat /tmp/listVMs.txt | sort | awk -F ";" '{print $1 ";" $3 ";" $4 ";" $5 ";" $6}' fi
Feel free to use, change and "improve" it...
I was not able to parse the "listVmBackups"-output with jq...KPS
Maybe @julien-f could provide some feedback
@KPS As explained in
xo-cli --help
, you can use the--json
flag to heve the result in JSON format:xo-cli backupNg.listVmBackups --json remotes=json:["$remoteuuid"]
Thank you. I am just lost with the next step in jq.
How can I export something like two fields from the json-result?xo-cli backupNg.listVmBackups --json remotes=json:'["<sruuid>"]' | jq '. | .timestamp'
--> Does not give results...
@KPS I cannot help you, I'm not familiar with
. -
@KPS hello. Sorry for the late answer, I am just starting using Xcpng (and xo-cli).
As for your jq program you can start by piping into
jq .
and then you will see that the returned json is a list of list of list where.. you will find atimestamp
field. So you cannot directly request.timestamp
you have to use something like:$ xo-cli backupNg.listVmBackups --json remotes="json:[\"$REMOTEUUID\"]" \ | jq '.[][][].timestamp' 1721253629744 1721253606389
in order to get all timestamp fields from the lists of lists of lists.
Then if you want to get several fields it is possible to create new jsons with new field names (or the same) their value being extracted from the parsed json. For example here I create jsons with "VM" and "timestamp" fields:
$ xo-cli backupNg.listVmBackups --json remotes="json:[\"$REMOTEUUID\"]" \ | jq '.[][][] | {VM: .vm.name_label, timestamp: .timestamp}' { "VM": "XenOrchestra", "timestamp": 1721253675148 } { "VM": "RockyBench", "timestamp": 1721253606389 }
Hope it'll help.
Here is a small tutorial: https://mosermichael.github.io/jq-illustrated/dir/content.html
And the reference doc: https://jqlang.github.io/jq/manual/Cheers,
Christophe. -
Thank you! It's great to see code-sharing in the forum!