"Xenserver 8" patching
For reference, the PR is here: https://github.com/vatesfr/xen-orchestra/pull/8183
@olivierlambert thanks
Hi @RS.
I just wanted to know if you can test this branch:fix-xs-8-patches
It should fix the list of missing patches (not the RPU or other update function from XO) -
@MathieuRA Hi yes, I can test it
@MathieuRA How to apply patch "fix-xs-8-patches" is it public?
If you are using XO from the sources, you need to switch the branch. If you are on XOA, you need to wait a bit more for being available in our December release
@olivierlambert Now I see missing Xen8 updates, but cannot install them. Button "Install all patches" show dialog > Not yet available for XenServer8. Is it correct?
That's a question for @MathieuRA I'm not a XO developer myself
@rs Yes, this is normal. I am still working on making the installation possible via XO.
@MathieuRA ok, thanks