ACL inheritance for network objects
I've been trying to understand the interactions between ACLs and self-service on XO and it seems somewhat inconsistent for Networks.
I have granted a set of users "viewer" access to the entire pool. I have also constructed a self-service set (I have a different question on the self-service restrictions I will post shortly). However, within the self-service set, unless I provide all of the networks in the self-service set, the user is not able to see the network when building a VM.
In our environment, we build/remove networks via VLANs constantly. Having to go into the self-service set to add/remove these networks is not ideal. I would have thought that the inheritance of the networks via the "viewer" ACL would have been enough. Is this not the case?
I see in the XO docs for ACLs that the inheritance says "pools > hosts > VMs". I thought this was an example (i.e. there are other examples that discuss the operations on VMs as a case-study), but perhaps this is the only inheritance path. Is there a reason that networks might not be included in this model (or for that matter, if "pool" is given "viewer", why can't a user see everything in the pool)?
Question for @pdonias when he's back