Hello Olivier
I’ve been using Citrix Xenserver for many years in a corporate XenApp/XenDesktop environment. I’m really glad you got this project off the ground... Well done!
Downloaded the iso and will be testing it out later this week.
I will be looking to make both a time (testing?) and a few personal financial contributions to the project
Like many others around here, i have been using xenserver in a consulting role for several years, with most of my SMB clients running it to use their hardware more efficiently,and to save me trouble on upgrades. Was really disappointed to find citrix was starting to pull features of what we already had, so was really pleased to find out about this project.
Really looking forward to this for the long term. ( and have the early release running on some hardware at home to start testing with
I been using xenserver in a hobbiest role for years. I too was disappointed in the removal of features as I was looking forward to using some, such as gpu pass through. I just recently installed xcp-ng over xs7.4 and stared to play with it with XO. While my servers are server grade but storage is still not up there. I tried using iscsi to freenas over 10gig in xs but tripped over that iscsi bug in xs and hanging up on reboot. So I went back to local storage using software raid. I look forward in contribute to the community to improve xcp-ng.
im working with XenServer for many years in our Hosting plattform, internal pools and at cumstomer projects.
We are also sells XenServer as a Citrix Partner.
But in many cases we use the free versions and support it with our team, since the feature restrictens we have problems to keep our pools up to date because all are bigger then 3 hosts.
It is great to see the first XCP-ng release -
I've been using XenServer for a couple of years and XenOrchestra for nearly as long. I'm interested to see XCP-ng be the new platform to replace Citrix implementation, and very interested in storage options for hyper-convergence.
I'm a one-man sysadmin / IT dept.
I started out with plain Xen on Ubuntu, but I've been using XenServer since the 5.x days in personal setups for the easier management tools, and for the last three years or so I've been converting a smallish software development company's infrastructure and dev VMs from headless vbox to XenServer. Orchestra was an amazing addition, letting the various dev teams self-manage their environments.
I'm really excited for the future of XCP-ng.
I worked with vmware ESXi for years then moved to xenserver since version 7.0, now I'm waiting for stable xcp-ng to move our serversI don't like the path citrix is taking
I'm also using xen orchestra for backups.
Oliver continue this fantastic job -
New to virtualization platforms and started out with XENserver . Always have run servers "Bare metal" and now figuring out VM machines.
Xen was mentioned by friends and i stepped in with XEN 7.2 . It imeediatly "cought me" and when release 7.3 of XEN came out i read about XCP.I am a Windows Administrator very interested in the Linux platforms en Virtualizing now!
I use XenServer since 2009. In 2008 i compared Hyper-V, VMware and XenServer for about 6 months (only the free versions) and my winner was XenServer. Not only because I am a fan of Open Source I choosed XenServer. My primary focus was performance and usability (for admins). VMware was too slow on low end hardware like HP ML110 and Hyper-V needed an AD. So I stayed with XenServer.
Since XenServer 7.3 I looked for alternatives and found the XCP-ng project.
I have a small IT company with 3 employees. We serve small and medium-sized customers. Unlike other IT companies around here, we use a lot of open source to offer alternatives to our customers. About one week ago I tested Xen Orchestra (compiled from source) and I like it a lot. I miss some features, but maybe I have not discovered them yet.
If you have plans to support other languages in Xen Orchestra, I can assist you with the german version.
@Toni we already support various language. You can change it in your user profile view (user icon on bottom of left menu).
Translating in German would be easy (few hours if you help us). Would you like to know how to do so?
First of all thank you very much for your efforts to fully opensource XenServer and creating to XenOrchestra.
We are small manufacturing company and use two Xenserver 7.1 for website hosting, erp and nas applications.
I also have an IT company.But due to Citrix policy change on XenServer I was looking for alternatives until I saw XCP-np. Now I am glad to update to XCP-ng.
I used ESXi before but I love how XenServer is easy to use and works on most hardware (ESXi was picky on servers).
I will try to help/support.
Cheers from Turkey!
@olivierlambert No problem. I will help to translate to german.
@toni Okay I'll prepare the German language file ASAP on GitHub! Stay tuned, I'll come back to you as soon it's ready!
edit: issue created! Please subscribe there: https://github.com/vatesfr/xen-orchestra/issues/2843
You'll be notified as soon we are ready
"Hello World!"
Thanks for all those that have created this website and XCP-ng! I have been a user of xen since v4, and have migrated from v4 to v5-v6-v7. Xen is a wonderful piece of software. I have 4 dom0s and 46 domUs that I manage in my private cloud.
Looking forward to looking at the new releases, and continuing on into the future with XCP-ng.
I'm an admin, running complete company IT in different locations (inhouse, company group, datacenter) and some IT for customers. First I worked as an developer at my company and transformed to an admin.
We used bare metal for years, since 2008 VmWare ESXi and XenServer starting from version 6.5. XenCenter (for administering/setup) and XenOrchestra (user self-service, backups, Windows-less access to vm's) are my main tools at work.
In my freetime I'm currently trying to help with the building and branding of "XenCenter"/xenadmin/XCP-Center or how you will call it in future (https://github.com/xcp-ng/xenadmin). This is my first real contribution to an open source project and I'm very
exitedexcitedGreat Project!
Linux inside since 2003. I've been using various of virtualization (Xen and VMWare mostly). Big fan of Open Source, Debian GNU/Linux and everything around it. I'd like to help every way I can
I have virtualization as hobby and I used Xenserver 7.2 before XCP-ng. I use it mainly in my home environment. In my freetime I am working together with @borzel to build the XenCenter for XCP-ng. I am currently build the MSI installer for it.
Hi everybody.
I am one-man- IT guy.
Everywhere I worked, I implemented virtualisation for ease of use. Began with VMW ESXi, then discovered XenServer 6.
Since I am using 2 server pool scenario, I am interested in this feature. For now, this is implemented using HA-LIZARD solution.
I am glad community is alive and will be testing XCP-ng this week. I can help financially and testing vise. -
I manage a two-server pool for a high school club with a tiny budget. We try to use open-source or in-house software as much as possible, so being able to move from Citrix's jail of a licensing system to XCP-NG is really great! We've got two X3650 M3s running XenServer and HA-Lizard that I hope to move to XCP-NG.
If I could ask for one thing, it would be XenCenter running (or under mono) in Linux.
@angelrey said in Introduce yourself!:
If I could ask for one thing, it would be XenCenter running (or under mono) in Linux.
Use Xen Orchestra
See this thread: https://xcp-ng.org/forum/topic/5/xen-orchestra