XO on Raspberry Pi 3B+ ?
Anyone have any tips on building XO from source on a Raspberry Pi 3B+? The closest I can get fails with an error in systemd from not being able to start xo-server. I'm using the installer script from https://github.com/ronivay/XenOrchestraInstallerUpdater which I used on a more powerful computer and CentOS 7.7 just fine. Just can't get the RasPi working with CentOS, or several versions of Ubuntu for arm. Most don't support node.js
The big issue is that my Linux skills are extremely lacking, having trouble figuring out how to even understand what I can try to fix this. A RasPi would just be very convenient to run XO on for me right now, at least long enough to get a Linux VM running to take over.
Everything I'm doing with this low power and decade old servers is just for a test lab to learn about XCP-NG and XO.
If you lack Linux skills, it might be a bit too soon to try to build XO on ARM.
I think we had people already built XO on ARM, but you first need to understand that's not the same CPU arch, and get an OS correctly installed first. I think Debian might be easier (Raspbian?)
I've done it on a Rock64 (which is a similar device, but slightly more powerful). It runs quite nicely on Debian arm64, although I don't not use it for production (yet).
BUT: Do not try this at home without sufficient Linux skills.
- or - DO try this at home and get Linux skills by doing it
- or - DO try this at home and get Linux skills by doing it
I've been spending some time on it for the last few nights, and my skills are improving little by little.
I think Ubuntu desktop was the closest I got to functional, there is a custom image for the Rpi3b+ that I found and it was one of the attempts that got to trying to start the XO-server service and failed. I was never able to get the xo-server to start manually either and the log files didn't give me anything I understood.
One of the versions that worked the least was CentOS 7 for RPi, node.js is not available for it in the normal repos. I have more experience with CentOS from a few years ago and more comfortable with it, may have to look into compiling all the dependencies from source to see if I can make it work.
I think an RPi 4b with 2gb or 4gb of RAM might be a better choice, but I have the 3b+.