Nested Virtualization - Running ESXi 7.0.0 on XCP-NG 8.1
So the new 7.0.0 version of VMware ESXi just came out, and I would like to give it a try. I created a VM on my XCP-NG 8.1 host using the 'Other media' template, and used XOA to enable nested virt and change the nic to an e1000. When I try to start the VM, it loads the UEFI, starts loading ESXi installer, and after loading completes, the entire VM just switches off, without an error or anything indicating something went wrong.
Does anybody here have experience with getting this to work? Do I need a different template, or do I need to run some commands in the CLI of the host? I know it's not supported in any way, but I would just like to tinker with this a bit.
You can change the behavior of the VM about the way it crashes building a crash dump.
Check settings called "Actions on crash" or something like that.
@olivierlambert should that be in the VM's 'Advanced' settings tab in XOA?
So never mind then, XCP-NG shows me the latest console output even after the VM shuts off. It clearly says "Unsupported CPU: Intel family 0x06, model 0x1a, stepping 0x5 Intel Core i7 920". Issue resolved; my hardware is ancient.
Yes, for this generation of CPU, you can't run ESXi superior to 6.5.