XO UI Storage Feedback
I am wondering if I could make a small suggestion for the XO UI.
Currently, Home -> Storage is displaying all kind of storage which is created via storage option, include those via SMB mapped.
I am wondering, if we could also display the remote SMB storage usage( setting -> remote ) under the same place ( Home - Storage ). It is also using the SMB which same like shared ISO, so I am just guessing technically "maybe" doable? Yes, I fully understand that cloud storage like S3, or Wasabi might be a challenge there.
This is a question for @badrAZ or @Rajaa-BARHTAOUI
so the idea is make the storage creating under the same place -> via storage, rather than some under storage, and left one under setting -> remote.
also, keep the storage stats information also under the same place. That will help to keep the UI consistency. I just feel keep the remote storage option under setting does not make sense. but it maybe just me.
so, just my 2cents feedback.
e.g. the picture attached. You may want to consider add another option in this drop down menu say about the remote backup storage option. (e.g. move the setting -> remote option to as one of the option in here ), and then add the stats display under Home -> Storage.
Problem of doing that is to confuse people between backup storage and XCP-ng storage.
There's already confusion between ISO SR and VDI SR, so I'm a bit afraid of unifying this.
Remotes and SRs aren't managed the same way by XO.
XO is connected directly to the remotes to do some read/write operations, unlike SRs which is connected to them via XCP-ng.
So the SRs aren't directly managed by XO, but are managed using the XCP-ngs' XAPI and we are limited to what the XAPI provides as information.