Create time is a bit off.....53 thousand years in the future off....
This is a know bug that @julien-f is working on as we speak
@olivierlambert Indeed, expect a fix today!
@fataugie The problem should be fixed on
, please keep us posted if you have any issues
@julien-f Thank you!!!! Just applied and so far, so good.
I assume that also screwed with the stats because they are now working again....Much appreciated!
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@fataugie Indeed, it may have impacted the stats as well
@julien-f Lets assume I'm totally stupid, can you explain to me please how to apply your patch. Many thanks.
@samgaw How did you install your XO?
@julien-f I used the script on Github from ronivay, I've just pulled down his latest from last week and will update my install with it.
@julien-f I have it working again now after running the script update. However I also had to add a second interface to the XO VM attached to my storage network to stop the Xapi#getResource /rrd_updates tasks.
Yes, you need to have access to the private IPs of the host (ie being in the same network)
@olivierlambert many thanks.