My goal was to make a full backup every weekend and then deltas every night, keeping the full backups for two months. I think I sort of have that working but it's not quite right.
I have a Delta Backup job that backs up to a remote and doesn't use any advanced settings. Under the schedule section I have two schedules. One with a cron pattern of 0 0 * * * and a retention of 10. The other has a cron pattern of 0 1 * * 0, a retention of 8 and forced Full backups.
One of the weird things I see is that sometimes the nightly schedule results in a Full backup being run. I thought it was only supposed to run once and just keep merging deltas unless you configured a Full backup interval in the advanced settings.
Are there any good examples of various backup scenarios and settings? The documentation is kind of sparse about how to tie all of the various options together in order to accomplish different goals.
Maybe @ManonMercier could help to answer and in the same time document it
@olivierlambert Are we still waiting on @ManonMercier to provide more information?
I'd also love to understand this more fully, and I'm happy to help write the documentation on it.
It's the middle of summer here, so please accept our higher latency than usual to answer
@olivierlambert No problem. I just wanted to make sure it hadn't fallen off the radar.
Hello @CJ,
Please accept my deepest apologies for the late response!!! I did not see the notification...
At first glance, your settings seem good to me as you have daily delta backups (now called incremental) combined with full backups every week. Now, I quite don't understand how a full backup could happen during the week (as it is scheduled to happen during weekends if I understand well). Do you sometimes change de settings or could you say if it happens on a regular basis?
I have asked the XO team to help me understand how this could happen, if there is something to do with the retention maybe. My response is not precise for now as I wanted at least to tell you that I finally saw your message. Sorry again about that.
Also, I agree we should update our documentation and I am definitely open to suggestions. I will gather some information and be back to you as soon as I can.
Dear @CJ,
We have added an article in our documentation that explains why full exports sometimes happen unexpectedly. You can find this article on this page.
I hope it clarifies, do not hesitate to tell us your opinion!
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