Unable to Import Disks
I am unable to import disks, from either XOA or XCP-ng Center. I'm running 2 hosts in a pool, both 8.2.1. I just pushed updates to both hosts, which are saying their up to date.
I have 2 iSCSI pools hosted on a TrueNAS server, and local storage on each machine. Cannot import to either one.
When using XOA, I get 2 "Cannot Fetch" errors when importing, and nothing in the logs. XCP-ng Center just fails out and says the import failed. I am able to import these VHDs to another pool, so the disks are fine.
Attached is the XCP-ng Center log entry for failure. XOA does not generate a failure log, and the logs on the pool master for the same period doesn't indicate any failure. It shows a whole lot of success and then just quits.
Thank you.[link text](xcp_ng_center_error_bombast_09_26_2023.txt link url)
- XCP-ng Center isn't a support client, so let's forget this part
- What are you trying to import in XOA exactly? What format and how big? How are you doing the import in XOA? Is your XOA fully up to date?
O olivierlambert moved this topic from Storage on
Last night I was trying to import a small vhd (10GB) with random garbage shoved in it just to test.
Previously I tried vhd disks generated with disk2vhd of both a Windows 10 and Windows 11 machine. Settings for disk2vhd were "Prepare for use in a virtual machine" and vhdx off. Both of these disk were successfully imported into another XCP-ng system and booted into a VM without issue. I also tried a vmdk and got the same error, though I did not try that disk in another XCP system so I can't verify it was configured properly. These disks were in the 120GBish range.
I am using the web interface in Xen Orchestra to do imports. Versions below.
xo-server 5.93.1
xo-web 5.96.0 -
If it's XO from sources, check the git commit number to be sure you are latest.
Any chance this could be a network issue? Are you on a flat network or are things segmented and routed between each other?
I want to apologize for the delay in response. Right after posting this I got slammed at work. Yesterday was the first good office day where I could sit down and get this sorted.
I took the lazy route to olivierlambert's suggestion and just made a new XOA VM. I successfully important a 1TB Windows 10 VM last night, so the issue seems resolved.
I'm somewhat confused by the version numbers I'm seeing, which I'll post below, but everything is working so I can live with it.
Non-Functional XO
xo-server 5.93.1
xo-web 5.96.0Functional XO
xo-server 5.80.0
xo-web 5.84.0 -
Any chance you were on a different release channel which is why you were seeing newer version numbers?
Either way, as long as it's working that's great.
It's like your XOA wasn't up to date