xo-upload-ova error
Good morning, I am trying to import a .ova from xo-upload-ova and I receive
/opt/xen-orchestra/node_modules/.bin/xo-upload-ova --upload /var/xen-orchestra2/vm_test.ova 093a3641-0770-c9c0-b7cd-97c32bc891df --override 'vm_test' descriptionLabel='undefined' memory=json:4294967296 disks.vmdisk1.descriptionLabel='No description' disks.vmdisk1.capacity=json:31457280000 disks.vmdisk2.descriptionLabel='No description' disks.vmdisk2.capacity=json:94371840000 data { tables: { 'vm_test-disk1.vmdk': Promise { <pending> }, 'vm_test-disk2.vmdk': Promise { <pending> } }, disks: { vmdisk1: { capacity: 31457280000, path: 'vm_test-disk1.vmdk', compression: undefined, descriptionLabel: 'No description', nameLabel: 'Hard Disk 1', position: 0 }, vmdisk2: { capacity: 94371840000, path: 'vm_test-disk2.vmdk', compression: undefined, descriptionLabel: 'No description', nameLabel: 'Hard Disk 2', position: 1 } }, networks: [ 'ca946202-c104-7c29-6178-bb1f1d69f2c8' ], nameLabel: 'vm_test', descriptionLabel: undefined, nCpus: 2, memory: 4294967296 }
ERROR TypeError: _httpRequestPlus.default.post is not a function at Object.upload (/opt/xen-orchestra/@xen-orchestra/upload-ova/dist/index.js:225:47) ✖ Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'readAll') TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'readAll') at Object.upload (/opt/xen-orchestra/@xen-orchestra/upload-ova/dist/index.js:231:55)
Does it work with the web UI?
@olivierlambert I didn't try it because I'm far away and the connection is slow, but I'll try it somehow
Thank you, this will help to pinpoint where the issue is!
@olivierlambert import from xenorchestra web correctly, could it be that it returns that error in cli?
Let me add @florent in the loop
@mdavico I will re test it tomorrow, to ensure the recent update didn't impact the cli