Running xe from XOA
I want to schedule some maintenance processes on XCP-ng - e.g. an automatic trim on my storage.
Is there any option to schedule from XOA, or is it the only way to do this on the XCP-host itself?
The task, I want to schedule is:
xe host-call-plugin plugin=trim host-uuid=$hostuuid fn=do_trim args:sr_uuid=$sruuid
Thank you and best wishes
XO CLI can probably do that already. We can add it to the REST API also, for convenience.
Sounds good! Currently, I cannot find any trim-options in xo-cli, but that would be great. Currently, my workaround was a crontab-entry on the host:for sruuid in $(xe sr-list type=lvmoiscsi | grep uuid | awk '{print $5}'); do sleep 10 && /opt/xensource/bin/xe host-call-plugin plugin=trim host-uuid=$(xe host-list name-label=$(hostname) | grep uuid | awk '{print $5}') fn=do_trim args:sr_uuid=$sruuid; done
If you can do it in the UI, then you can do it with the CLI, since it's calling the same component in the end (
) -
There is a "reclaim free disk space" button in the GUI, but I am getting with latest XOA stable:sr.reclaimSpace { "id": "xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx" } { "code": "UnsupportedSRForTrim", "message": "Trim on [xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx] not supported", "name": "Error", "stack": "Error: Trim on [xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx] not supported at Xapi.reclaimSpace (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/xo-server/node_modules/@xen-orchestra/xapi/sr.mjs:159:19) at Xo.reclaimSpace (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/xo-server/src/api/sr.mjs:966:3) at Api.#callApiMethod (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/xo-server/src/xo-mixins/api.mjs:445:20)" }
You are trying to trim a SR that doesn't support it. Trim is only for block based SR.
Sorry about that! I did click on the wrong SR...Can you tell me the cli-command to start the trim to schedule it? I did not find it in the xo-cli manpage.
xo-cli --list-commands
to see all the available commandsIf you grep on reclaim or trim, you should fine what you need
Thank you. I was searching for trim (only).sr.reclaimSpace seems to be the one
Nice! Let us know if you want it to be added on the REST API