Compatibility of Intel Ultra processors with XCP-ng
I would like to ask if anyone has experience using Intel Ultra series processors with XCP-ng. Do these processors support XCP-ng, or are there any known issues or special settings to consider? I have not found any information on this. Any information and experience would be of interest.
I think I gave @dthenot a machine with it, I quickly tested it without any issue.
@olivierlambert Thank you
@dthenot do you remember the exact CPU model?
Ah found it: Intel Core i5-14500
So Core Ultra are laptop CPUs, but likely similar arch than the desktop one (Raptor Lake refresh). I don't see why it wouldn't work.
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@Nephilim Please don't delete topics without good reason. Others may benefit from the discussion.
I just bought a Minisforum UH125 PRO with an Intel Ultra 5 CPU and I cannot boot xcp-ng 8.3.
I used the same usb drive (with Ventoy) to update my current server from 8.2 to 8.3, so I assume it is not an issue with the usb drive nor the iso file.
The boot process gets stuck after the[ OK ] Started Update UTMP about System Runlevel Changes.
Also two services failed to start:Failed to start Activation of LVM2 logical volumes
Failed to start LSB: Enable some devices previously disabled
I assume this has something to do with a specific hardware component that is not supported, but I cannot figure out which one.
I can see the nvme drive being detected during the initial kernel boot process so even if there is an error with LVM2, I'm not sure it has something to do with the drive itself.Bios is in UEFI (doesn't even support legacy anymore) and secure boot is disabled.
Any help would be appreciated. But I may end up sending it back to get a better supported platform
@knut99 Note for the UH125, it uses the RTL8126 ethernet chip. While it may work with XCP, it's officially not supported due to the Realtek drivers.