I’m using the XOA appliance (5.70.2 XOA Build: 20210823) on top of a physical Citrix Hypervisor8 system set to be the “latest” channel. This exposes the UI the ability to export to OVA format. I’ve done 1 successful export in the last couple of days, but this feels like a “fluke” because I’ve not been able to repeat this successful outcome.
I’m not a customer of either Citrix Hypervisor or XOA. I’m helping a customer back out of Citrix onto another platform and using virt-v2v to do the conversion. I found Citrix XenCenter native OVA export creates an OVA backed by OVF file that is mixed UT-8 and UT-16 which neither Virtualbox or virt-v2v can handle.
I can export using OVF and use other tools to convert the VHD disk - but this lengthy, tedious and unautomated process - and XOA with OVA export were recommended as an approach to get a successful & useable OVA file.
So sadly, XOA OVA export is compatible – with other systems but I can’t just get the XOA export to work consistently.
- The exports starts – but the browser only received a 4KB file
- The export is still run as a task in the background until reaches 100%
- I then start to see a transfer that is exceptionally slow in the kb/sec range when I’m 1gps network end-to-end
- After a while the connection times out and the web-fronted of XOA is inaccessible but still responds to pings. I suspect that's a just a generic HTTP timeout due to perceived inactivity
- As then I have no web-based management capability I’m forced to restart the XOA
- The connection to Citrix Hypervisor8 is still good and functional from the Citrix XenCenter
This feels like a web-server issue on the XOA especially as it becomes unresponsive. It doesn’t feel like a client/browser issue because I’ve tried multiple systems and multiple web browsers with the same result. I'm 1gps network on the same physical switch - so I can't see how this issue of connectivity. It feels more like the web service doesn't have enough resources or allows the right amount of HTTP sessions to successfully complete the transfer.