Wow... however I got lost.
This is far too high to my knowledge.
However... are you comparing local disk with local disk (in order to avoid networks related bottleneck)?
Wow... however I got lost.
This is far too high to my knowledge.
However... are you comparing local disk with local disk (in order to avoid networks related bottleneck)?
@stormi said in Citrix Hypervisor 8.0 landed:
People are watching me, such honour and responsibility!
I told you that people of the forum are "the watchmens".
It's even easier if you have subscribed the notification on GitHub on the project.
Hi Everybody,
working with Xen since 2009, and with a private cluster since 2012.
In the past I wrote part of the installation of the RBDSR plugin in order to allow Xen to connect to Ceph!
Now I would like to contribute to run Ceph natively on XCP-ng
Thanks for this project!
We can make it together!
Hi everybody,
I was thinking that a Dev community should have better tools to debug and log issue rapidly and share them within the forum or on the github issue deck.
About that did you use some good log reader or did you use just "grep | less" to read the LOG?
Maybe we can improve the debug with a home-made-tool that make grep/cat/less more readable and give to it time/hour/date search function and few more. The best will be a quick online tool maybe within the XENCENTER?
Probably there are already these kind of tools around.
What do you think about this?
@olivierlambert said in XCP 8.1 with Kernel 5.3 :
Can you explain why?
Of course only to have full RBD support!
Mister Torvalds said 5 is not really a major release as there are any real breaking changes.
He jokes about he just finished fingers in his hands and foots to give name to the kernel.
So 5.3 is just 4 release upfront of the 4.19 and any big change.
Probably 5.3 has a better hardware support than 4.19 and not so much more.
@r1 Sorry Rushy,
Why did you create a patch instead of directly sent a pull request to the original blktap2 driver.
I'll say it's time to stop to make unofficial patches which can be overwritten by upstream updates.
Let's change the upstream directly.
@stormi said in Updates announcements and testing:
@maxcuttins I plan to do that someday, but it will be faster if the community does it for me
I'll write down a few test list in order to start the story on the wiki.