@Andrew Thank you so much! I created a new xcp-ng host from scratch, and it's working fine now. I may have cloned the first one (didn't think I did), but creating a new one works great.
RE: Can only connect to one server at a time
RE: Can only connect to one server at a time
@Andrew Hi Andrew. Thanks for your quick reply. I am very new to XCP-ng. I'm building a home lab in VirtualBox. I have two XCP-ng hosts running as separate VMs. I installed XO from source as a third VM in VirtualBox. I installed all individually.
The red error triangle just says "Unknown error". Isn't the whole idea that you can connect to multiple servers in a given pool to share resources and to migrate VMs across servers?
The Connect dialog doesn't allow a pool to be chosen. The second server that does not connect has a blank under Pool. Am I suppose to create a pool first, and if so, how? I'm coming from a VMware ESXi environment. I just installed XO (build from sources) and am trying to learn it. I'm a real newbie to XCP-ng and XO.
Can only connect to one server at a time
I am running Xen Orchestra (built from sources) version 8. When I go to Settings | Servers and try to connect to a second server, it fails with an unknown error. I have two servers: xcp-ng-1 and xcp-ng-2. I can connect xcp-ng-1 as the first server. When I try to connect xcp-ng-2, it fails to connect. But I can delete both connections and start over. I can connect xcp-ng-2 as the first server. When I try to connect xcp-ng-1, it fails. In other words, I can connect to either server as the first server, but I cannot connect to a second server. Obviously, there is nothing wrong with making a connection. The issue is I'm limited for some reason to making a connection to only one server. Is there a setting in XO that limits the number of servers you can connect to simultaneously? What is going on?