RE: My vision for Open Source pro support
@olivierlambert A very good article Olivier, thanks for that !
I agree with all that points, as I have worked for a company providing support for Open Source projects, it's a such huge value to get strong beliefs and actions to allow customers to choose one or more approach and support for this to be more like a candle than hand cuffs.
RE: Can I just say thanks?
@novaking I have the very same feeling here. Very good community, and Vates team folks always around providing insightful help, as well other folks that has lots of patience and good attention to whatever question you put on the stage. Just love to be here !
RE: vGPU - which graphics card supported?
@ScarfAntennae At a glance, there are those links :
Nvidia : - here there is a hack to make consumer GPUs able to provide vGPU
So, coming from all those links, we would have to do :
- Add entries to the docs or do a separate wiki regarding this subject
- Design a "test bed" with some guidance so people can test their setups and GPUs
- Design some methods (and which tools could be used) to perform benchmarks and find possible bottlenecks regarding driver, synchronization, pass-through issues etc.
We also would have to dig into specs of each vendor's GPU families and series, to find anything that could drag us to a more "precise" judgment on which ones does provide support for vGPU.
@olivierlambert Could we create a GPU dedicated section on docs, and perhaps provide some GPU HCL - Hardware Compatibility List - regarding vGPU and who knows what else stuff is relevant ?
Am I missing something here ?