Thank's Olivier,
So if I understand correctly I can't use it xva.py to convert and install directly.
Ok, I test today this way.
RE: Import VM from Xen with multiple files
RE: Import VM from Xen with multiple files
Yes, Centos 6
this a example for my VM config
disk=[ 'tap:aio:/dati/xen/asterisk/asterisk.raw,xvda,w', 'tap:aio:/dati/xen/asterisk/asteriskDati.raw,xvdb,w', ] -
RE: Import VM from Xen with multiple files
what you say is correct.
The files was created with dd command and mounted in vm machine for extra space -
Import VM from Xen with multiple files
I have some vm in xen system with centos 6 on OLD server dell.
It's time to replace the old servers and I'm considering switching to xcp-ng.
My VMs have a lot of raw data files. How can I also import the other data files of my VMs?
Thanks for your help