@olivierlambert buttons like the existing ctrl+alt+del to switch consoles on Linux would be awesome! (ctrl+alt+F2, etc.)

RE: SENDING Special keys to guest via xo-web
Monitoring disk usage of thin provisioned disks
I have several hosts in production with thin provisioned disks on Ext3 SRs. I'm looking for a way to see the actual disk usage of each VHD or at least each virtual machine, but I am not seeing this anywhere. I can see total disk usage of the SR and how much I have overprovisioned, but I am not seeing actual disk usage of each VHD and/or snapshots. (I don't currently have any snapshots, as I generally run a full replication to my second site before major changes to VMs.)
I found this thread where someone wrote a bash script I have yet to try, but I would much rather see this on a web interface as opposed to getting a console on dom0 and running a script against individual VMs. Am I missing it somewhere? (entirely possible)
Thanks for all you do, Olivier and team!