Continuous replication fails every time
@olivierlambert So does that mean that XO from sources will not support CR or delta backups?
hi there, yes we're using XOCE and I said that we have this problem because may be something wrong in the latests releases.
just trying to help the developers to show that there is a problem in the new versions, as I can see XOA is more tested may be because the XOCE users help to test it.
so my posts are intended to help not to complain about this wonderful product.
@LPJon not at all! It's just that the only tested environment is XOA. From the sources, you have to rely on community or yourself if you have problems. It's impossible to test on all platforms, that's why XOA is recommended for production
Also, bugs could happen into XO itself, on
branch (which shouldn't to often because we use features branches), but there's no guarantees -
@txsastre that's exactly how I got it, no worries
Having users on
branch helps to find bugs that we won't have to discover during QA phase before a XOA releaseIn this case, it's might be related to the guessVhdsize variable or something like that.
@olivierlambert I have looked into that with no success. I'm not sure if you just change that variable to false or if you just comment it out completely. I have tried both but neither had an affect on my situation. It seems the guessVhdsize variable is related to working with an nfs share for the remote which I don't have.
More or less you saying that this could be a bug in the master branch of XOCE but that XO is not showing this issue? What branch could I switch to that might be more stable?
- No, guessVhdSize is NOT related to the remote, but to the way we send data to the destination server. Double check you enabled it correctly and restart XO after the modification.
- No, I'm not saying this. Also, there's no stable branch on the sources, if you want something tested and stable, it's XOA
@olivierlambert It came enabled by default with the upgrade to 5.51.1. What I might be having issues with is how to disable it the proper way for testing. I don't see anywhere where is says how to disable it, only how to enable it since there were failures happening with it That's a tongue twister, anyway do you have any suggestions or might this be a question for Julien?
I have no idea, guessVhdSize is only an intuition on my side. I'm pinging @julien-f who will try to answer Monday
@LPJon Like all settings from
, you can override it in your user config (probably/etc/xo-server/config.toml
?):guessVhdSizeOnImport = false
@julien-f Ok....thanks Olivier and Julien. Changing that setting in that way had no effect on the issue. You have any idea what would cause this from one version to the other. XCP-ng is version 7.5 with a second local storage repository.
I experience this problem with CR job. xo-server 5.51.1
I revent xo-server 5.50.1. No problem with this version.I found these errors in xensource.log. maybe not related:
Importing raw VDI R:55902cfbe5b0|vhd_tool_wrapper] vhd-tool failed, returning VDI_IO_ERROR vhd-tool output: vhd-tool: Non-zero size required (either a pre-existing destination file or specified via --destination-size on the command line)
and this:
xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|Importing raw VDI R:55902cfbe5b0|import] Caught exception: VDI_IO_ERROR: [ Device I/O errors ] xapi: [debug|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|Importing raw VDI R:55902cfbe5b0|taskhelper] the status of R:55902cfbe5b0 is failure; cannot set it to `failure xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:8f42c874d788|backtrace] Importing raw VDI R:55902cfbe5b0 failed with exception Server_error(VDI_IO_ERROR, [ Device I/O errors ]) xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:8f42c874d788|backtrace] Raised Server_error(VDI_IO_ERROR, [ Device I/O errors ]) xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:8f42c874d788|backtrace] 1/12 xapi @ XenServer-08 Raised at file ocaml/xapi/, line 59 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:8f42c874d788|backtrace] 2/12 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file lib/xapi-stdext-pervasives/, line 24 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:8f42c874d788|backtrace] 3/12 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file lib/xapi-stdext-pervasives/, line 35 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:8f42c874d788|backtrace] 4/12 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file lib/xapi-stdext-pervasives/, line 24 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:8f42c874d788|backtrace] 5/12 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file lib/xapi-stdext-pervasives/, line 35 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:8f42c874d788|backtrace] 6/12 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file ocaml/xapi/, line 81 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:8f42c874d788|backtrace] 7/12 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file ocaml/xapi/, line 105 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:8f42c874d788|backtrace] 8/12 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file ocaml/xapi/, line 80 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:8f42c874d788|backtrace] 9/12 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file ocaml/xapi/, line 99 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:8f42c874d788|backtrace] 10/12 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file lib/xapi-stdext-pervasives/, line 24 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:8f42c874d788|backtrace] 11/12 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file lib/xapi-stdext-pervasives/, line 35 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:8f42c874d788|backtrace] 12/12 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file lib/, line 177 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:8f42c874d788|backtrace] xapi: [debug|XenServer-08|13023 UNIX /var/lib/xcp/xapi||dummytaskhelper] task dispatch:session.logout D:8800126a89c1 created by task D:8f42c874d788 xapi: [ info|XenServer-08|13023 UNIX /var/lib/xcp/xapi|session.logout D:04108f92fdfe|xapi] Session.destroy trackid=4319d4a602955613971f7a77e5c9e8cf xapi: [debug|XenServer-08|640 |xapi events D:0b0842fbd22a|xenops] Event on VM 20192c0a-8918-4e11-8e80-1ac10ff145d1; resident_here = true xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:8f42c874d788|import] Caught exception in import handler: VDI_IO_ERROR: [ Device I/O errors ] xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:9903e89b7f74|backtrace] VDI.import D:8f42c874d788 failed with exception Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EPIPE, "single_write", "") xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:9903e89b7f74|backtrace] Raised Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EPIPE, "single_write", "") xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:9903e89b7f74|backtrace] 1/9 xapi @ XenServer-08 Raised at file, line 326 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:9903e89b7f74|backtrace] 2/9 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file lib/xapi-stdext-unix/, line 463 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:9903e89b7f74|backtrace] 3/9 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file lib/xapi-stdext-unix/, line 465 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:9903e89b7f74|backtrace] 4/9 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file ocaml/xapi/, line 141 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:9903e89b7f74|backtrace] 5/9 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file ocaml/xapi/, line 80 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:9903e89b7f74|backtrace] 6/9 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file ocaml/xapi/, line 99 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:9903e89b7f74|backtrace] 7/9 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file lib/xapi-stdext-pervasives/, line 24 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:9903e89b7f74|backtrace] 8/9 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file, line 135 xapi: [debug|XenServer-08|640 |xapi events D:0b0842fbd22a|dummytaskhelper] task timeboxed_rpc D:647b3dd768d7 created by task D:0b0842fbd22a xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:9903e89b7f74|backtrace] 9/9 xapi @ XenServer-08 Called from file, line 148 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80|VDI.import D:9903e89b7f74|backtrace] xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80||backtrace] VDI.import D:9903e89b7f74 failed with exception Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EPIPE, "single_write", "") xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80||backtrace] Raised Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EPIPE, "single_write", "") xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80||backtrace] 1/1 xapi @ XenServer-08 Raised at file (Thread 12899 has no backtrace table. Was with_backtraces called?, line 0 xapi: [error|XenServer-08|12899 INET :::80||backtrace]
Could this be related to this:
@rizaemet-0 could you tell me how have you reverted to 5.50.1 ? thanks
@txsastre I'm taking snapshot of XO vm before every update. Simple revent it.
Because it is from source so I have no support subscription. I recommend this to you.
@rizaemet-0 thanks you've got the right. I already doing this, but I didn't know if you uninstalled it and installed a previous version.
it was just curiosity. So I'm gonna rollback to a previous snapshot too.
Thank you
@txsastre I outlined the procedure here --
@Danp thanks ! but I have rolled back to a previous version ( 5.50.1) and now I'm testing the backup again.
Can any comment on the fact that all of these issues are caused because 'import_raw_vdi' doesn't support Chunked transfers?
This used to be fine casuse the loophole that allowed a massive Content-Length has been closed.
(here: xapi-project/vhd-tool@f978789#diff-a1476b2332c40710d3f1791146a29aeaL484 ).
I saw this note relating to ZFS: It is not yet possible to import, migrate or export a VDI to/from a ZFS SR
Could that be why my continuous replication is failing? I'm trying to replicate from one ZFS SR to another on a different server.
No, since few release, ZFS should support all operations.