IPv6 support in XCP-ng for the management interface - feedback wanted
@ataxyanetwork you're right. I just wanted to know to reproduce as much as possible your environment. Plus IPv6 only will be easier to debug, dual mode can have some weird magic happening at time!
I'll take a look ASAP and post here about my findings
Hey guys,
first thing we found during the installation:
The DNS dialogue doesn't like the shortest possible way to write an IPv6. According to my local nslookup, the IP notation is correct.
But if I fill the zeroes out, everything works fine:
Matthias -
Hey guys,
one more thing:
On the console, we are able to see the network address:
But on XCP-ng Center, the IP is not shown:
I'm not sure, if this is merely a problem with the Center, or if XOA has this problem as well. We are not able to install the XOA, as we tried to bind our free IPv4 address to XOA as well and just got an error:
Matthias -
Thanks for your feedback @LeMatz
@BenjiReis will take a look.
- For the short notation, I think that was simply not taken into account.
- What about the repo? It should work out of the box (our repo are IPv6 compatible)
- XCP-ng Center is not maintained by us, so we won't solve this anyway. For XO, it should work out of the box. Your issue is with the XO deploy thing, we are aware of it
Hey @olivierlambert,
sure thing, thanks.
I edited the thing with the repo out of my post, I was just a bit too blind.
Is there any way on the XCP-ng host to test the DNS resolution? "dig" is not available there. Our host is somehow not able to resolve to mirrors.xcp-ng.org.
Our chosen DNS server is very well able to resolve your mirror.I know that XCP-ng Center is not maintained by your team, but it's currently the only GUI that works for us :).
Is there a different way to deploy XO instead of the quick install? I'm not sure, if the build from source is worth the effort.
Thanks again,
Matthias -
In the first picture of "hostname and dns configuration":
It doesn't look like you have any double colon '::' in the first 2 entries but you have them in all fields on the last picture -
@hoerup Jeeez, you are right, thanks a lot.
I'm feeling bad nowReminder: do not work past 9 p.m. :D.
haha good catch, so it might support short format ipv6
Can you double check?
@olivierlambert Well, I'd like to. But the console is giving me a hard time.
Our given DNS servers were not recognized:
I'm not able to change the entries. Hitting "Enter" does not do anything. For all the other entries works "Enter" perfectly.
Olivier recommended in https://xcp-ng.org/forum/topic/5412/installation-of-xo-with-just-one-ip/2?_=1642003322780 to use one IPv6 for dom0 and bind the IPv4 to a VM like pfSense. Thanks to MAC-address binding of our provider, that made everything worse. Of cause we can't have the same MAC-address on more than one NIC.
I think this IPv6 experiment ends here for us.
Thanks for all the answers and help!
Matz -
Sadly @BenjiReis is really busy ATM working on our next 8.2.1 release
But he'll come back here as soon he can!
It's okay, releases are important
Short format works fine
IPv6-only server still running for almost a year now without problems.
Not using it for anything mission critical as of yet, as installing updates is a bit "exciting" trying to combine main repo with the experimental ipv6-repo (avoid overwriting ipv6-patched packages on update) but still getting CVE's fixed from kernel etc. Haven't broken anything yet (AFAIK) - just looking forward to see this in a release.
(+ There might be a few useful details hiding here: https://github.com/xcp-ng/xcp/issues/437 in case)
Hi all! Long time no see ^^
I'm glad to say i'm back on IPv6 and will (soon-ish) provide a new IPv6 iso to test XCP-ng with an IPv6 management interface.
I've made some fixes to DNS management.Before the new ISO i'd like to support ideally DHCPv6 and autoconf.
For now I managed to :- sometimes have an IP with DHCPv6 and sometimes a DNS - no gateway but it's exepected with stateless DHCPv6.
- Have an IP with Autoconf - No Gateway & no DNS
I'm looking for help as my field of expertise is more ocaml dev than IPv6.
I'm thinking especially of @AtaxyaNetwork and @bnerickson that I know have more knowledge than me for IPv6.Any help from a forum users would be greatly appreciated.
For DHCPv6 this is the conf of dhclient:
interface "xenbr0" { send fqdn.fqdn = gethostname(); request subnet-mask, broadcast-address, time-offset, host-name, interface-mtu, dhcp6.nis-servers, dhcp6.nisp-servers, nis-domain-name, nisp-domain-name, dhcp6.sntp-servers, dhcp6.fqdn, routers, dhcp6.domain-search, dhcp6.name-servers; }
For Autoconf here's what's done:
/sbin/sysctl -q -w net.ipv6.conf.xenbr0.autoconf=1 /sbin/sysctl -q -w net.ipv6.conf.xenbr0.accept_ra=1
Am I missing something obvious? I can provide more info if requested.
Also I can made available a test iso before the real one but it'd be really a experimental ISO.Thanks!
@AtaxyaNetwork also, i tried to reproduce you XOA deploy issue buf failed, did you add
around the IPv6 of your XCP-ng when filling up the deploy form?Thanks.
@BenjiReis Hello !
I don't remember exactly, but I will try to retest all in the incoming days -
@AtaxyaNetwork there are some issues, but on XOA's side.
For now the deploy script specifically wait for an IPv4 to complete succesfully so it won't even though the XOA VM is up and running.
For some reason it seems the XO app is not reachable with the IPv6 address in a web browser. I'm still investigating that. -
@BenjiReis Ok !
Don't hesitate to ping me if you need help to debug the XOA side -
@AtaxyaNetwork so infact the issue was with our IPv6 lab config (lol) so XOA is reachable in fact with an IPv6 address ahah.
So you can play with it.Now i'm back on my DHCPv6/Autoconf/SLAAC investigations
Hi all!
8.2.1 IPv6 ISO available!
Here's a new ISO for IPv6 based on XCP-ng 8.2.1!
The ISO can be used to upgrade an existing server installed with the previous IPv6 test ISO or install a brand new XCP-ng 8.2.1 with IPv6 support on management interface.A non-IPv6 8.2.0 would remain non-IPv6 after an upgrade as it's not possible to edit the management interface's primary adress type.
An 8.2.0 IPv6 hosts can also be upgraded via yum:
yum upgrade --enablerepo=xcp-ng-updates,xcp-ng-ipv6
.What's new
- All 8.2.1 fixes
- Better DNS management in the case of both IPv4 and IPv6 configured on a PIF
- Partial support of IPv6 DHCP and autoconf
What to test
- Your daily uses of XCP-ng but with IPv6
- DHCP and autoconf (I have reached the limits of my knowledge so help from the community with more IPv6 expertise would be very VERY VERY helpful! :D)
The goal of this ISO release is mainly to get help and leads about what's missing in DHCP and Autoconf.
Any issue encountered (and what works fine also) can be reported in this thread.
Usual warning
This a test ISO with an experimental feature still in development.
IPv6 on management interface is not officially supported by XCP-ng yet and so, we do not recommend to use it for a production environment.Thanks a lot for the help and I hope the ISO will work well for everyone.