Error on Synchronising Groups
I am receiving the following error when attempting to synchronize groups:
ldap.synchronizeGroups {} { "code": 4, "message": " Code: 0x4", "name": "Error", "stack": "Error: Code: 0x4 at Function.parse (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/xo-server-auth-ldap/node_modules/ldapts/StatusCodeParser.ts:61:16) at Client._sendSearch (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/xo-server-auth-ldap/node_modules/ldapts/Client.ts:648:30) at (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/xo-server-auth-ldap/node_modules/ldapts/Client.ts:610:5) at AuthLdap._synchronizeGroups (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/xo-server-auth-ldap/src/index.js:340:45) at Api.#callApiMethod (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/xo-server/src/xo-mixins/api.mjs:366:20)" }
Configuration of the Synchronize groups is:
Filter = (ObjectClass=group) ID Attribute = dn Displayname Attribute = cn group attribute = member User Attribute = dn
I have tried to mirror the settings as per: I am still receiving the same error as above.
Hi @Tomcatter, it looks like the search result for LDAP groups is reaching the size limit configured in your Active Directory. Make sure that the group filter is correct and wouldn't return more objects than you'd want to.
If you're still getting the error and you're confident about the amount of groups that you're going to import to XO, you can increase the
value of your AD's LDAP policy: -
@julien-f feel free to point to the right person here to assist
@pdonias Can you take a look at this please?
Hi @Tomcatter, it looks like the search result for LDAP groups is reaching the size limit configured in your Active Directory. Make sure that the group filter is correct and wouldn't return more objects than you'd want to.
If you're still getting the error and you're confident about the amount of groups that you're going to import to XO, you can increase the
value of your AD's LDAP policy: -
@pdonias Thank you for the response.
I confirmed a smaller amount of groups resolved the issue, we simply created an OU which we then searched on for specific groups related to XCP / XOA
@Tomcatter Great!
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