Disater recovery backups crazy slow
@olivierlambert Just to make sure we are talking about the same thing cr is continous replication and dr disaster recovery right?
Yes. Similar function, just done differently (XVA export vs VDI export).
@olivierlambert that's what I did and performance is fine. Soon as I choose dr (disaster recovery) it takes 2 5 times longer.
So don't use it. When you use DR, are you using compression or not?
It behaves differently and puts much less stress on the cpu
Unfortunately, the speed is still a problem. -
I will put my xoa on another host maybe this will help
Your Dom0 might be not powerful enough to generate XVAs at a reasonable speed, so switch to CR and the issue is solved
I set the dom0 ram to 16gig on all hosts a while ago, the hosts (4) run on a dell r530 with two 2690 cpu's and 192gig ram.
What can I do to improve dom0?
Rather old CPUs (launched in 2012, so 12y old CPU), I'm not really surprised that XVA generation is slow. You can check if you are in Max Power mode in the BIOS though, maybe you are not and Xen can't boost to turbo.
But in any case, switch to CR.
@olivierlambert Ok I will look into this, are there any other bios setting that I would best adjust or set?
Thank you for your help if this does not help, I will open another topic next week.
Have a nice weekend!
That should be it. But due to the old CPU, I wouldn't expect XVA generation to be a lot faster.
@olivierlambert 2x x5680 xeons 3.3ghz 24 cores should be able to generate xvas I would think so ?
They are able, but not at a great speed. It doesn't matter how many cores, it's likely heavily single threaded and relying on how fast you can do many efficient instructions per cycle. That's why you should switch to CR.