I am curious if anyone else can replicate this, as it is just attempting to move a resource between two xostor clusters? If it is just me I can continue troubleshooting, otherwise it would be nice to know it is an exercise in futility.
But I am well aware that the release a few days ago has everyone swamped and this can wait, would just be awesome to know as it would change migration plans.
thin-send-recv is needed to ship data when using LVM thin-provisioned volumes
Yeah this seems to be for any type of shipping, s3 or otherwise.
So, did more testing. Looks like thin_send_recv is not the problem, but maybe socat.
I am able to manually migrate resource between XOSTOR (linstor) cluster using thin_send_recv. I have encluded all steps below so that it can be replicated.And we know socat is used, cause it complains if it is not there.
jonathon@jonathon-framework:~$ linstor --controller backup ship newCluster pvc-086a5817-d813-41fe-86d8-3fac2ae2028f pvc-086a5817-d813-41fe-86d8-3fac2ae2028f INFO: Cannot use node 'ovbh-pprod-xen10' as it does not support the tool(s): SOCAT INFO: Cannot use node 'ovbh-pprod-xen12' as it does not support the tool(s): SOCAT INFO: Cannot use node 'ovbh-pprod-xen13' as it does not support the tool(s): SOCAT ERROR: Backup shipping of resource 'pvc-086a5817-d813-41fe-86d8-3fac2ae2028f' cannot be started since there is no node available that supports backup shipping.
Using 1.0.1 thin_send_recv.
[16:16 ovbh-pprod-xen11 ~]# thin_send --version 1.0.1 [16:16 ovbh-pprod-xen01 ~]# thin_recv --version 1.0.1
Versions of socat match.
[16:16 ovbh-pprod-xen11 ~]# socat -V socat by Gerhard Rieger and contributors - see www.dest-unreach.org socat version on Aug 4 2017 04:57:10 running on Linux version #1 SMP Tue Jan 23 14:12:55 CET 2024, release 4.19.0+1, machine x86_64 features: #define WITH_STDIO 1 #define WITH_FDNUM 1 #define WITH_FILE 1 #define WITH_CREAT 1 #define WITH_GOPEN 1 #define WITH_TERMIOS 1 #define WITH_PIPE 1 #define WITH_UNIX 1 #define WITH_ABSTRACT_UNIXSOCKET 1 #define WITH_IP4 1 #define WITH_IP6 1 #define WITH_RAWIP 1 #define WITH_GENERICSOCKET 1 #define WITH_INTERFACE 1 #define WITH_TCP 1 #define WITH_UDP 1 #define WITH_SCTP 1 #define WITH_LISTEN 1 #define WITH_SOCKS4 1 #define WITH_SOCKS4A 1 #define WITH_PROXY 1 #define WITH_SYSTEM 1 #define WITH_EXEC 1 #define WITH_READLINE 1 #define WITH_TUN 1 #define WITH_PTY 1 #define WITH_OPENSSL 1 #undef WITH_FIPS #define WITH_LIBWRAP 1 #define WITH_SYCLS 1 #define WITH_FILAN 1 #define WITH_RETRY 1 #define WITH_MSGLEVEL 0 /*debug*/ ... [16:17 ovbh-pprod-xen01 ~]# socat -V socat by Gerhard Rieger and contributors - see www.dest-unreach.org socat version on Aug 4 2017 04:57:10 running on Linux version #1 SMP Tue Jan 23 14:12:55 CET 2024, release 4.19.0+1, machine x86_64 features: #define WITH_STDIO 1 #define WITH_FDNUM 1 #define WITH_FILE 1 #define WITH_CREAT 1 #define WITH_GOPEN 1 #define WITH_TERMIOS 1 #define WITH_PIPE 1 #define WITH_UNIX 1 #define WITH_ABSTRACT_UNIXSOCKET 1 #define WITH_IP4 1 #define WITH_IP6 1 #define WITH_RAWIP 1 #define WITH_GENERICSOCKET 1 #define WITH_INTERFACE 1 #define WITH_TCP 1 #define WITH_UDP 1 #define WITH_SCTP 1 #define WITH_LISTEN 1 #define WITH_SOCKS4 1 #define WITH_SOCKS4A 1 #define WITH_PROXY 1 #define WITH_SYSTEM 1 #define WITH_EXEC 1 #define WITH_READLINE 1 #define WITH_TUN 1 #define WITH_PTY 1 #define WITH_OPENSSL 1 #undef WITH_FIPS #define WITH_LIBWRAP 1 #define WITH_SYCLS 1 #define WITH_FILAN 1 #define WITH_RETRY 1 #define WITH_MSGLEVEL 0 /*debug*/
Migrating using only
works. -
The reason that it may be socat, is because the commands fail when I try using it, as instructed by https://github.com/LINBIT/thin-send-recv
[13:03 ovbh-pprod-xen11 ~]# thin_send linstor_group/pvc-12aca72c-d94a-4c09-8102-0a6646906f8d_00000_s_test 2>/dev/null | zstd | socat STDIN TCP: 2024/10/28 13:04:59 socat[25701] E write(5, 0x55da36101da0, 8192): Broken pipe ... [13:03 ovbh-pprod-xen01 ~]# socat TCP-LISTEN:4321 STDOUT | zstd -d | thin_recv linstor_group/pvc-12aca72c-d94a-4c09-8102-0a6646906f8d_00000 2>/dev/null 2024/10/28 13:04:59 socat[27039] E read(1, 0x560ef6ff4350, 8192): Bad file descriptor
And the same thing happens if I exclude
from both commands. -
I'm looking for new storage cluster for XCP-ng, because ceph RBD performance is very poor.
The main quetion now - is it possible to build XOSTOR (linstore) cluster separatly from xcp-ng and connect it over ethernet?
No inforamtion about such scenario in this article.
So I would like to have "compute" claster of xcp-ng nodes with fast local NVMe disks + and dedicated storage cluster with big amount of HDDs connected vie ethernet.And second question is about scaling.
How this storage cluster could be scaled? Is it possible to add storage nodes online without interrupting clients (VMs)?Thank you
LINSTOR can be reach in NFS or iSCSI if I remember correctly. You question is more for LINSTOR than for XCP-ng
@olivierlambert NFS and iSCSI have single point of failure. Yes, it is possible to deploy multipath iSCSI, but it is to complicated. I like CEPH RBD because it does not have single point of failure.
So I'm looking for something similar.From my point of vew XOSTOR is good idea, but in some cases there is no need to use all nodes as xcp-ng hosts. For example you do not need large amount of RAM and fast modern CPU for storage cluster nodes.
I think the best solution in my case will be to deploy XOSTOR controller in xcp-ng cluster connected to separate storage cluster.At first glance, I assume that it should be possible to connect storage cluster to xcp-ng with this command
linstor resource create node1 test1 --diskless
So the base idea is to use xcp-ng nodes for linstor-controllers/linstor-satellite and "storage" nodes as linstor-satellite only.
@splastunov / all.
Just on multipath iSCSI. I had this running for years with separate switches running the 'A side' and 'B side' multipath networks between the iSCSI dot hill's resilient and redundant controllers.
Once you have it configured, it is incredibly solid for what is a very budget solution. It just takes a bit of careful planning up front to make sure you wire up in a way that is properly resilient. Plus reliable monitoring to make sure that you notice when one of the resilient elements fails.
We had a number of switch power supply failures over the 10 year period that were completely transparent to the services running on the connected XCP-NG and XenServer hosts.
Similarly we were able to do a full DotHill controller replacement without any downtime after one of the two controllers failed.
We also replaced the hypervisor hardware a number of times over the lifetime of the platform.
@Mark-C Thank you!
Could you tell please how you scale your storage with iSCSI? What hardware/software are you using for storage? Is it possible to add storage nodes on fly or you have to deploy new storag cluster every time when you grow? -
@splastunov The DotHill certainly wasn't great for scaling out, because of the age of the firmware and the old-school treatment of the disk arrays.
We did deploy several disk expansion trays that were part populated at purchase as some level of expansion, and operated most of the array as a single underlying pool, which was then split up into iSCSI presented volumes.
So the limitations of the DotHill controllers and firmware we were using didn't address the storage pool scaling issue that CEPH / GPFS / etal are designed to.
However, some of the newer filer heads that treat their entire available disk array as a consolidated pool and support iSCSI would have that scalability, whilst keeping the hypervisor side relatively straight-forward.
CEPH etal are also in a much more mature place than they were back in the early 2010s too, so if I was doing it again, maybe we would go for a solution architecture based around that. Or XOSTOR, of course!
My intent was to present an iSCSI setup instance as something we found relatively bomb-proof, and post-initial configuration, relatively easy to scale. We provisioned 24 port A and B side network switches with jumbo frame support to give us the scalability to add further pools of hypervisors or storage, as required.
The typical hypervisor node was provisioned with at least 4 network ports, but most had 8 to allow trunking/resilience for every connection:
Management + live migration (Isolated)
World (Trunk)
iSCSI-BThe DotHills were 4 ports per controller, and the two controllers were configured as:
SpareThe iSCSI-A and iSCSI-B were simple web-managed procurves with 24 ports each.
We had this scaled to 12 hypervisor nodes in 3 pools, all running off the same underlying dothill (dual redundant controller) hardware. We had provisioned some local SSD storage in each hypervisor for any nodes that were struggling for IOPs but ultimately never needed that.
OK we have debugged and improved this process, so including it here if it helps anyone else.
How to migrate resources between XOSTOR (linstor) clusters. This also works with piraeus-operator, which we use for k8s.
Manually moving listor resource with thin_send_recv
Migration of data
# PV: pvc-6408a214-6def-44c4-8d9a-bebb67be5510 # S: pgdata-snapshot # s: 10741612544B #get size lvs --noheadings --units B -o lv_size linstor_group/pvc-6408a214-6def-44c4-8d9a-bebb67be5510_00000 #prep lvcreate -V 10741612544B --thinpool linstor_group/thin_device -n pvc-6408a214-6def-44c4-8d9a-bebb67be5510_00000 linstor_group #create snapshot linstor --controller original-xostor-server s create pvc-6408a214-6def-44c4-8d9a-bebb67be5510 pgdata-snapshot #send thin_send linstor_group/pvc-6408a214-6def-44c4-8d9a-bebb67be5510_00000_pgdata-snapshot 2>/dev/null | ssh root@new-xostor-server-01 thin_recv linstor_group/pvc-6408a214-6def-44c4-8d9a-bebb67be5510_00000 2>/dev/null
Prep migration
[13:29 original-xostor-server ~]# lvs --noheadings --units B -o lv_size linstor_group/pvc-12aca72c-d94a-4c09-8102-0a6646906f8d_00000 26851934208B [13:53 new-xostor-server-01 ~]# lvcreate -V 26851934208B --thinpool linstor_group/thin_device -n pvc-12aca72c-d94a-4c09-8102-0a6646906f8d_00000 linstor_group Logical volume "pvc-12aca72c-d94a-4c09-8102-0a6646906f8d_00000" created.
Create snapshot
15:35:03] jonathon@jonathon-framework:~$ linstor --controller original-xostor-server s create pvc-12aca72c-d94a-4c09-8102-0a6646906f8d s_test SUCCESS: Description: New snapshot 's_test' of resource 'pvc-12aca72c-d94a-4c09-8102-0a6646906f8d' registered. Details: Snapshot 's_test' of resource 'pvc-12aca72c-d94a-4c09-8102-0a6646906f8d' UUID is: 3a07d2fd-6dc3-4994-b13f-8c3a2bb206b8 SUCCESS: Suspended IO of '[pvc-12aca72c-d94a-4c09-8102-0a6646906f8d]' on 'ovbh-vprod-k8s04-worker02' for snapshot SUCCESS: Suspended IO of '[pvc-12aca72c-d94a-4c09-8102-0a6646906f8d]' on 'original-xostor-server' for snapshot SUCCESS: Took snapshot of '[pvc-12aca72c-d94a-4c09-8102-0a6646906f8d]' on 'ovbh-vprod-k8s04-worker02' SUCCESS: Took snapshot of '[pvc-12aca72c-d94a-4c09-8102-0a6646906f8d]' on 'original-xostor-server' SUCCESS: Resumed IO of '[pvc-12aca72c-d94a-4c09-8102-0a6646906f8d]' on 'ovbh-vprod-k8s04-worker02' after snapshot SUCCESS: Resumed IO of '[pvc-12aca72c-d94a-4c09-8102-0a6646906f8d]' on 'original-xostor-server' after snapshot
[13:53 original-xostor-server ~]# thin_send /dev/linstor_group/pvc-12aca72c-d94a-4c09-8102-0a6646906f8d_00000_s_test 2>/dev/null | ssh root@new-xostor-server-01 thin_recv linstor_group/pvc-12aca72c-d94a-4c09-8102-0a6646906f8d_00000 2>/dev/null
Need to yeet errors on both ends of command or it will fail.
This is the same setup process for replica-1 or replica-3. For replica-3 can target new-xostor-server-01 each time, for replica-1 be sure to spread them out right.
Replica-3 Setup
to new-xostor-server-01, will need to run commands to force sync of data to replicas.Commands
# PV: pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584 # snapshot: snipeit-snapshot # size: 21483225088B #get size lvs --noheadings --units B -o lv_size linstor_group/pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584_00000 #prep lvcreate -V 21483225088B --thinpool linstor_group/thin_device -n pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584_00000 linstor_group #create snapshot linstor --controller original-xostor-server s create pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584 snipeit-snapshot linstor --controller original-xostor-server s l | grep -e 'snipeit-snapshot' #send thin_send linstor_group/pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584_00000_snipeit-snapshot 2>/dev/null | ssh root@new-xostor-server-01 thin_recv linstor_group/pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584_00000 2>/dev/null #linstor setup linstor --controller new-xostor-server-01 resource-definition create pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584 --resource-group sc-74e1434b-b435-587e-9dea-fa067deec898 linstor --controller new-xostor-server-01 volume-definition create pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584 21483225088B --storage-pool xcp-sr-linstor_group_thin_device linstor --controller new-xostor-server-01 resource create --storage-pool xcp-sr-linstor_group_thin_device --providers LVM_THIN new-xostor-server-01 pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584 linstor --controller new-xostor-server-01 resource create --auto-place +1 pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584 #Run the following on the node with the data. This is the prefered command drbdadm invalidate-remote pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584 #Run the following on the node without the data. This is just for reference drbdadm invalidate pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584 linstor --controller new-xostor-server-01 r l | grep -e 'pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584'
--- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolume metadata: name: pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584 annotations: pv.kubernetes.io/provisioned-by: linstor.csi.linbit.com finalizers: - external-provisioner.volume.kubernetes.io/finalizer - kubernetes.io/pv-protection - external-attacher/linstor-csi-linbit-com spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce capacity: storage: 20Gi # Ensure this matches the actual size of the LINSTOR volume persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain storageClassName: linstor-replica-three # Adjust to the storage class you want to use volumeMode: Filesystem csi: driver: linstor.csi.linbit.com fsType: ext4 volumeHandle: pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584 volumeAttributes: linstor.csi.linbit.com/mount-options: '' linstor.csi.linbit.com/post-mount-xfs-opts: '' linstor.csi.linbit.com/uses-volume-context: 'true' linstor.csi.linbit.com/remote-access-policy: 'true' --- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: annotations: pv.kubernetes.io/bind-completed: 'yes' pv.kubernetes.io/bound-by-controller: 'yes' volume.beta.kubernetes.io/storage-provisioner: linstor.csi.linbit.com volume.kubernetes.io/storage-provisioner: linstor.csi.linbit.com finalizers: - kubernetes.io/pvc-protection name: pp-snipeit-pvc namespace: snipe-it spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 20Gi storageClassName: linstor-replica-three volumeMode: Filesystem volumeName: pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584
jonathon@jonathon-framework:~$ linstor --controller new-xostor-server-01 resource-definition create pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584 --resource-group sc-74e1434b-b435-587e-9dea-fa067deec898 SUCCESS: Description: New resource definition 'pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584' created. Details: Resource definition 'pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584' UUID is: 772692e2-3fca-4069-92e9-2bef22c68a6f jonathon@jonathon-framework:~$ linstor --controller new-xostor-server-01 volume-definition create pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584 21483225088B --storage-pool xcp-sr-linstor_group_thin_device SUCCESS: Successfully set property key(s): StorPoolName SUCCESS: New volume definition with number '0' of resource definition 'pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584' created. jonathon@jonathon-framework:~$ linstor --controller new-xostor-server-01 resource create --storage-pool xcp-sr-linstor_group_thin_device --providers LVM_THIN new-xostor-server-01 pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584 SUCCESS: Successfully set property key(s): StorPoolName INFO: Updated pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584 DRBD auto verify algorithm to 'crct10dif-pclmul' SUCCESS: Description: New resource 'pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584' on node 'new-xostor-server-01' registered. Details: Resource 'pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584' on node 'new-xostor-server-01' UUID is: 3072aaae-4a34-453e-bdc6-facb47809b3d SUCCESS: Description: Volume with number '0' on resource 'pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584' on node 'new-xostor-server-01' successfully registered Details: Volume UUID is: 52b11ef6-ec50-42fb-8710-1d3f8c15c657 SUCCESS: Created resource 'pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584' on 'new-xostor-server-01' jonathon@jonathon-framework:~$ linstor --controller new-xostor-server-01 resource create --auto-place +1 pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584 SUCCESS: Successfully set property key(s): StorPoolName SUCCESS: Successfully set property key(s): StorPoolName SUCCESS: Description: Resource 'pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584' successfully autoplaced on 2 nodes Details: Used nodes (storage pool name): 'new-xostor-server-02 (xcp-sr-linstor_group_thin_device)', 'new-xostor-server-03 (xcp-sr-linstor_group_thin_device)' INFO: Resource-definition property 'DrbdOptions/Resource/quorum' updated from 'off' to 'majority' by auto-quorum INFO: Resource-definition property 'DrbdOptions/Resource/on-no-quorum' updated from 'off' to 'suspend-io' by auto-quorum SUCCESS: Added peer(s) 'new-xostor-server-02', 'new-xostor-server-03' to resource 'pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584' on 'new-xostor-server-01' SUCCESS: Created resource 'pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584' on 'new-xostor-server-02' SUCCESS: Created resource 'pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584' on 'new-xostor-server-03' SUCCESS: Description: Resource 'pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584' on 'new-xostor-server-03' ready Details: Auto-placing resource: pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584 SUCCESS: Description: Resource 'pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584' on 'new-xostor-server-02' ready Details: Auto-placing resource: pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584
At this point
jonathon@jonathon-framework:~$ linstor --controller new-xostor-server-01 v l | grep -e 'pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584' | new-xostor-server-01 | pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584 | xcp-sr-linstor_group_thin_device | 0 | 1032 | /dev/drbd1032 | 9.20 GiB | Unused | UpToDate | | new-xostor-server-02 | pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584 | xcp-sr-linstor_group_thin_device | 0 | 1032 | /dev/drbd1032 | 112.73 MiB | Unused | UpToDate | | new-xostor-server-03 | pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584 | xcp-sr-linstor_group_thin_device | 0 | 1032 | /dev/drbd1032 | 112.73 MiB | Unused | UpToDate |
To force the sync, run the following command on the node with the data
drbdadm invalidate-remote pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584
This will kick it to get the data re-synced.
[14:51 new-xostor-server-01 ~]# drbdadm invalidate-remote pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584 [14:51 new-xostor-server-01 ~]# drbdadm status pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584 pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584 role:Secondary disk:UpToDate new-xostor-server-02 role:Secondary replication:SyncSource peer-disk:Inconsistent done:1.14 new-xostor-server-03 role:Secondary replication:SyncSource peer-disk:Inconsistent done:1.18 [14:51 new-xostor-server-01 ~]# drbdadm status pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584 pvc-96cbebbe-f827-4a47-ae95-38b078e0d584 role:Secondary disk:UpToDate new-xostor-server-02 role:Secondary peer-disk:UpToDate new-xostor-server-03 role:Secondary peer-disk:UpToDate
See: https://github.com/LINBIT/linstor-server/issues/389
# PV: pvc-6408a214-6def-44c4-8d9a-bebb67be5510 # S: pgdata-snapshot # s: 10741612544B #get size lvs --noheadings --units B -o lv_size linstor_group/pvc-6408a214-6def-44c4-8d9a-bebb67be5510_00000 #prep lvcreate -V 10741612544B --thinpool linstor_group/thin_device -n pvc-6408a214-6def-44c4-8d9a-bebb67be5510_00000 linstor_group #create snapshot linstor --controller original-xostor-server s create pvc-6408a214-6def-44c4-8d9a-bebb67be5510 pgdata-snapshot #send thin_send linstor_group/pvc-6408a214-6def-44c4-8d9a-bebb67be5510_00000_pgdata-snapshot 2>/dev/null | ssh root@new-xostor-server-01 thin_recv linstor_group/pvc-6408a214-6def-44c4-8d9a-bebb67be5510_00000 2>/dev/null # 1 linstor --controller new-xostor-server-01 resource-definition create pvc-6408a214-6def-44c4-8d9a-bebb67be5510 --resource-group sc-b066e430-6206-5588-a490-cc91ecef53d6 linstor --controller new-xostor-server-01 volume-definition create pvc-6408a214-6def-44c4-8d9a-bebb67be5510 10741612544B --storage-pool xcp-sr-linstor_group_thin_device linstor --controller new-xostor-server-01 resource create new-xostor-server-01 pvc-6408a214-6def-44c4-8d9a-bebb67be5510
--- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolume metadata: name: pvc-6408a214-6def-44c4-8d9a-bebb67be5510 annotations: pv.kubernetes.io/provisioned-by: linstor.csi.linbit.com finalizers: - external-provisioner.volume.kubernetes.io/finalizer - kubernetes.io/pv-protection - external-attacher/linstor-csi-linbit-com spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce capacity: storage: 10Gi # Ensure this matches the actual size of the LINSTOR volume persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain storageClassName: linstor-replica-one-local # Adjust to the storage class you want to use volumeMode: Filesystem csi: driver: linstor.csi.linbit.com fsType: ext4 volumeHandle: pvc-6408a214-6def-44c4-8d9a-bebb67be5510 volumeAttributes: linstor.csi.linbit.com/mount-options: '' linstor.csi.linbit.com/post-mount-xfs-opts: '' linstor.csi.linbit.com/uses-volume-context: 'true' linstor.csi.linbit.com/remote-access-policy: | - fromSame: - xcp-ng/node nodeAffinity: required: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: xcp-ng/node operator: In values: - new-xostor-server-01 --- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: annotations: pv.kubernetes.io/bind-completed: 'yes' pv.kubernetes.io/bound-by-controller: 'yes' volume.beta.kubernetes.io/storage-provisioner: linstor.csi.linbit.com volume.kubernetes.io/selected-node: ovbh-vtest-k8s01-worker01 volume.kubernetes.io/storage-provisioner: linstor.csi.linbit.com finalizers: - kubernetes.io/pvc-protection name: acid-merch-2 namespace: default spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 10Gi storageClassName: linstor-replica-one-local volumeMode: Filesystem volumeName: pvc-6408a214-6def-44c4-8d9a-bebb67be5510
Last week I stood up two XCP-ng hosts with LINSTOR without issue.
This week I am standing up a third XCP-ng host and encounter a show stopping error when I try to install LINSTOR:
Error: Package: xcp-ng-linstor-1.1-3.xcpng8.2.noarch (xcp-ng-linstor)
Requires: sm-linstor
Failed to install LINSTOR package: xcp-ng-linstor.This third host is 100% identical in hardware to the first two hosts. Fresh from-scratch new install of XCP-ng. Here is an output of commands and their results on the third host:
[21:35 bol-xcp3 ~]# wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/Wescoeur/7bb568c0e09e796710b0ea966882fcac/raw/052b3dfff9c06b1765e51d8de72c90f2f90f475b/gistfile1.txt -O install && chmod +x install --2024-11-16 21:35:08-- https://gist.githubusercontent.com/Wescoeur/7bb568c0e09e796710b0ea966882fcac/raw/052b3dfff9c06b1765e51d8de72c90f2f90f475b/gistfile1.txt Resolving gist.githubusercontent.com (gist.githubusercontent.com)...,,, ... Connecting to gist.githubusercontent.com (gist.githubusercontent.com)||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 3596 (3.5K) [text/plain] Saving to: âinstallâ 100%[=============================================================================>] 3,596 --.-K/s in 0s 2024-11-16 21:35:08 (22.4 MB/s) - âinstallâ saved [3596/3596] [21:35 bol-xcp3 ~]# ./install --disks /dev/nvme0n1 --thin Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile Excluding mirror: updates.xcp-ng.org * xcp-ng-base: mirrors.xcp-ng.org Excluding mirror: updates.xcp-ng.org * xcp-ng-updates: mirrors.xcp-ng.org Resolving Dependencies --> Running transaction check ---> Package xcp-ng-release-linstor.noarch 0:1.3-1.xcpng8.2 will be installed --> Finished Dependency Resolution Dependencies Resolved ======================================================================================================================= Package Arch Version Repository Size ======================================================================================================================= Installing: xcp-ng-release-linstor noarch 1.3-1.xcpng8.2 xcp-ng-updates 4.0 k Transaction Summary ======================================================================================================================= Install 1 Package Total download size: 4.0 k Installed size: 477 Downloading packages: xcp-ng-release-linstor-1.3-1.xcpng8.2.noarch.rpm | 4.0 kB 00:00:01 Running transaction check Running transaction test Transaction test succeeded Running transaction Installing : xcp-ng-release-linstor-1.3-1.xcpng8.2.noarch 1/1 Verifying : xcp-ng-release-linstor-1.3-1.xcpng8.2.noarch 1/1 Installed: xcp-ng-release-linstor.noarch 0:1.3-1.xcpng8.2 Complete! Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile Excluding mirror: updates.xcp-ng.org * xcp-ng-base: mirrors.xcp-ng.org Excluding mirror: updates.xcp-ng.org * xcp-ng-updates: mirrors.xcp-ng.org Resolving Dependencies --> Running transaction check ---> Package xcp-ng-linstor.noarch 0:1.1-3.xcpng8.2 will be installed --> Processing Dependency: sm-linstor for package: xcp-ng-linstor-1.1-3.xcpng8.2.noarch --> Finished Dependency Resolution Error: Package: xcp-ng-linstor-1.1-3.xcpng8.2.noarch (xcp-ng-linstor) Requires: sm-linstor Available: sm-2.30.8-2.1.0.linstor.4.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-linstor) sm-linstor Available: sm-2.30.8-2.1.0.linstor.5.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-linstor) sm-linstor Available: sm-2.30.8-2.1.0.linstor.6.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-linstor) sm-linstor Available: sm-2.30.8-2.3.0.linstor.1.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-linstor) sm-linstor Available: sm-2.30.8-2.3.0.linstor.2.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-linstor) sm-linstor Available: sm-2.30.8-7.1.0.linstor.2.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-linstor) sm-linstor Available: sm-2.30.8-10.1.0.linstor.1.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-linstor) sm-linstor Available: sm-2.30.8-10.1.0.linstor.2.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-linstor) sm-linstor Available: sm-2.30.8-10.1.0.linstor.3.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-linstor) sm-linstor Available: sm-2.30.8-12.1.0.linstor.2.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-linstor) sm-linstor Available: sm-2.30.8-12.1.0.linstor.3.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-linstor) sm-linstor Available: sm-2.30.8-12.1.0.linstor.4.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-linstor) sm-linstor Installed: sm-2.30.8-13.1.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (@xcp-ng-updates) Not found Available: sm-2.29.1-1.2.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-base) Not found Available: sm-2.30.4-1.1.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-updates) Not found Available: sm-2.30.4-1.1.0.linstor.8.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-linstor) Not found Available: sm-2.30.6-1.1.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-updates) Not found Available: sm-2.30.6-1.1.0.linstor.1.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-linstor) Not found Available: sm-2.30.6-1.2.0.linstor.1.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-linstor) Not found Available: sm-2.30.7-1.1.0.linstor.1.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-linstor) Not found Available: sm-2.30.7-1.2.0.linstor.1.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-linstor) Not found Available: sm-2.30.7-1.3.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-updates) Not found Available: sm-2.30.7-1.3.0.linstor.1.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-linstor) Not found Available: sm-2.30.7-1.3.0.linstor.2.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-linstor) Not found Available: sm-2.30.7-1.3.0.linstor.3.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-linstor) Not found Available: sm-2.30.7-1.3.0.linstor.7.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-linstor) Not found Available: sm-2.30.7-1.3.0.linstor.8.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-linstor) Not found Available: sm-2.30.8-2.1.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-updates) Not found Available: sm-2.30.8-2.1.0.linstor.1.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-linstor) Not found Available: sm-2.30.8-2.1.0.linstor.2.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-linstor) Not found Available: sm-2.30.8-2.1.0.linstor.3.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-linstor) Not found Available: sm-2.30.8-2.3.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-updates) Not found Available: sm-2.30.8-7.1.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-updates) Not found Available: sm-2.30.8-10.1.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-updates) Not found Available: sm-2.30.8-12.1.xcpng8.2.x86_64 (xcp-ng-updates) Not found You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest Failed to install LINSTOR package: xcp-ng-linstor.
It seems the sm* package(s) are missing ? I don't know what to do.
Edit 2024-11-17 1702 CST:
yum install xcp-ng-release-linstor
is already installed and latest version.[16:14 bol-xcp3 ~]# yum install xcp-ng-release-linstor Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile Excluding mirror: updates.xcp-ng.org * xcp-ng-base: mirrors.xcp-ng.org Excluding mirror: updates.xcp-ng.org * xcp-ng-updates: mirrors.xcp-ng.org Package xcp-ng-release-linstor-1.3-1.xcpng8.2.noarch already installed and latest version Nothing to do
@BlueToast This should be fixed now. Please retry the XOSTOR installation.
@Danp Success this this - thanks for the assist.
Executed with great success:
yum install xcp-ng-linstor yum install xcp-ng-release-linstor ./install --disks /dev/nvme0n1 --thin