Performance Alert Plugin not handling removable SRs correctly
I had turned of my perf-alert plugin some time ago do an issue in XO. Unfortunately, I can't find the thread regarding the issue so I don't recall the details. Since it's been some time, I decided to turn it back on and see if things were fixed.
I was immediately spammed with email alerts stating that my DVD Drives were at 100% utilization as well as end of alert emails stating that my Removable Storage was at NaN% utilization.
I have All SRs checked and I checked Exclude SRs but the DVD Drives and Removable Storage don't show up in the list for me to exclude. Looking at my Storage types, I have Shared iso, Shared nfs, ext, and udev. Only the Shared nfs and ext SRs are showing in the selector.
olivierlambert Vates 🪐 Co-Founder CEOlast edited by olivierlambert 9 Nov 2024, 14:54 11 Sept 2024, 12:54
Ping @Bastien-Nollet
@CJ are you on XOA or XO sources? Which release or commit?
@olivierlambert I'm running from sources. This happens even on the latest commit.
Xen Orchestra, commit 74e6f
There is indeed a bug in the perf-alert plugin with removable storages.
This will be fixed in an upcoming XO version by removing these SRs from the perf-alert monitoring.
- 2 months later
Hi @CJ I made a small fix for this, would you mind testing this PR and tell us if this fixes your problem?
@CJ the fix has been merged and will be available in the next release.