New install - Login screen blank
@olivierlambert Thank you. I believe I found the server logs... I dont know where to find the build logs.
Node - v22.14.0
npm - 10.9.2#!/usr/bin/env node import appConf from 'app-conf'; import execPromise from 'exec-promise'; import get from 'lodash/get.js'; import highland from 'highland'; import levelup from 'level-party'; import ndjson from 'ndjson'; import parseArgs from 'minimist'; import sublevel from 'subleveldown'; import util from 'util'; import { forEach } from './utils.mjs'; import globMatcher from './glob-matcher.mjs'; const getLogs = (db, args) => { let stream = highland(db.createReadStream({ reverse: true })); if (args.since) { stream = stream.filter(({ value }) => value.time >= args.since); } if (args.until) { stream = stream.filter(({ value }) => value.time <= args.until); } const fields = Object.keys(args.matchers); if (fields.length > 0) { stream = stream.filter(({ value }) => { for (const field of fields) { const fieldValue = get(value, field); if (!args.matchers[field](fieldValue)) { return false; } } return true; }); } return stream.take(args.limit); }; const deleteLogs = (db, args) => new Promise(resolve => { let nDeleted = 0; let nRunning = 1; const cb = () => { if (--nRunning === 0) { console.log(nDeleted.toLocaleString(), 'deleted entries'); resolve(); } }; const deleteEntry = key => { ++nDeleted; ++nRunning; db.del(key, cb); }; getLogs(db, args).each(({ key }) => { deleteEntry(key); }).done(cb); }); const GC_KEEP = 2e4; const gc = (db, args) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let keep = GC_KEEP; let count = 1; const cb = () => { if (--count === 0) { resolve(); } }; const stream = db.createKeyStream({ reverse: true }); const deleteEntry = key => { ++count; db.del(key, cb); }; let onData = keep !== 0 ? () => { if (--keep === 0) { stream.removeListener('data', onData); onData = deleteEntry; stream.on('data', onData); } } : deleteEntry; const onEnd = () => { console.log('end'); removeListeners(); cb(); }; const onError = error => { console.log('error'); removeListeners(); reject(error); }; const removeListeners = () => { stream.removeListener('data', onData).removeListener('end', onEnd).removeListener('error', onError); }; stream.on('data', onData).on('end', onEnd).on('error', onError); }); async function printLogs(db, args) { let stream = getLogs(db, args); if (args.json) { stream = highland(stream.pipe(ndjson.stringify())).each(value => { process.stdout.write(value); }); } else { stream = stream.each(value => { console.log(util.inspect(value, { depth: null })); }); } return new Promise(resolve => { stream.done(resolve); }); } function helper() { console.error(` xo-server-logs --help, -h Display this help message. xo-server-logs [--json] [--limit=<limit>] [--since=<date>] [--until=<date>] [<pattern>...] Prints the logs. --json Display the results as new line delimited JSON for consumption by another program. --limit=<limit>, -n <limit> Limit the number of results to be displayed (default 100) --since=<date>, --until=<date> Start showing entries on or newer than the specified date, or on or older than the specified date. <date> should use the format \`YYYY-MM-DD\`. <pattern> Patterns can be used to filter the entries. Patterns have the following format \`<field>=<value>\`, \`<field>\` or \`!<field>\`. xo-server-logs --gc Remove all but the ${GC_KEEP}th most recent log entries. xo-server-logs --delete <predicate>... Delete all logs matching the passed predicates. For more information on predicates, see the print usage. xo-server-logs --repair Repair/compact the database. This is an advanced operation and should be used only when necessary and offline (xo-server should be stopped). `); } function getArgs() { const stringArgs = ['since', 'until', 'limit']; const args = parseArgs(process.argv.slice(2), { string: stringArgs, boolean: ['delete', 'help', 'json', 'gc', 'repair'], default: { limit: 100, json: false, help: false }, alias: { limit: 'n', help: 'h' } }); const patterns = {}; for (let value of args._) { value = String(value); const i = value.indexOf('='); if (i !== -1) { const field = value.slice(0, i); const pattern = value.slice(i + 1); const fieldPatterns = patterns[field]; if (fieldPatterns === undefined) { patterns[field] = [pattern]; } else if (Array.isArray(fieldPatterns)) { fieldPatterns.push(pattern); } else { throw new Error('cannot mix existence with equality patterns'); } } else { const negate = value[0] === '!'; if (negate) { value = value.slice(1); } if (patterns[value]) { throw new Error('cannot mix existence with equality patterns'); } patterns[value] = !negate; } } const mustExists = value => value !== undefined; const mustNotExists = value => value === undefined; args.matchers = {}; for (const field in patterns) { const values = patterns[field]; args.matchers[field] = values === true ? mustExists : values === false ? mustNotExists : globMatcher(values); } forEach(stringArgs, arg => { if (args[arg] instanceof Array) { throw new Error(`error: too many values for ${arg} argument`); } }); ['since', 'until'].forEach(arg => { if (args[arg] !== undefined) { args[arg] = Date.parse(args[arg]); if (isNaN(args[arg])) { throw new Error(`error: bad ${arg} timestamp format`); } } }); if (isNaN(args.limit = +args.limit)) { throw new Error('error: limit is not a valid number'); } return args; } execPromise(async function main() { const args = getArgs(); if ( { helper(); return; } const config = await appConf.load('xo-server', { appDir: new URL('..', import.meta.url).pathname, ignoreUnknownFormats: true }); if ( { const require = (await import('module')).createRequire(import.meta.url); const { repair } = require(require.resolve('level', { paths: [require.resolve('level-party')] })); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { repair(`${config.datadir}/leveldb`, error => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { resolve(); } }); }); return; } const db = sublevel(levelup(`${config.datadir}/leveldb`, { valueEncoding: 'json' }), 'logs', { valueEncoding: 'json' }); return args.delete ? deleteLogs(db, args) : args.gc ? gc(db) : printLogs(db, args); }); //#
@DustinB Ive restarted a few times though no dice. It's almost like something isnt unpacking or running.
@raider600 said in New install - Login screen blank:
@DustinB Ive restarted a few times though no dice. It's almost like something isnt unpacking or running.
In the URL does it show /v6 at the tail end?
@DustinB said in New install - Login screen blank:
@raider600 said in New install - Login screen blank:
@DustinB Ive restarted a few times though no dice. It's almost like something isnt unpacking or running.
In the URL does it show /v6 at the tail end?
Im just using the ip address. no https either. So no i dont think it has a v6 at the end. but im also not 100% sure i know what you mean. lol
I also had this issue some week ago
Unfortunately I don't remember what I did to fix it.
But I would try the--force
optionI am running XO as root
sudo su -
cd ~/xen-orchestra/
git checkout .
git pull --ff-only
yarn build --force
yarn run turbo run build --filter @xen-orchestra/web
systemctl restart xo-server.service
cd -
@ph7 Thanks for that. but it didnt work. funny when trying to restart the xo-server.service it fails and says service not found. Im only trying to get it to run with yarn start in the packages/xo-server dir. Here is a screen shot of the networking tab in the developer window of the browser. looks like its missing some stuff. hah
@raider600 The xo-server.service doesn't exist unless you create in yourself when using XO from sources. XOA takes care of this for you.
@Danp Well I dont think I ever got to that step. haha. This is bumming me out. I want to use XOA. But I need proof of concept before we buy it.
@raider600 You can always go to and install XOA, then start a free trial to perform your POC.
@raider600 To piggyback off of DanP, they've been very good about extending our trial while we were evaluating our options to migrate off of VMware!
This is solved. What I ended up doing was installing ubuntu and doing the whole install as root. Thanks for the help, I hope I can use XOA in the future!