Self-service constraints when combined with ACLs
This is a follow up question to the one I posted on ACL inheritance for network objects.. Essentially, when building a self-service resource set, it isn't obvious whether the included resource set is supposed to override any ACLs, or work in tandem.
For example, if I grant "viewer" rights to the pool, why do I need to provide a set of read-only templates, read-only networks, and read-only SRs? It seems to me that the ACLs should take care of that, and the SS should cover anything I need to provide additional operator or admin rights [i.e. read/write SRs, etc.] (in fact, I don't even know what rights the SS resource set actually confers -- is it admin/operator/something else?)
I feel like I have a fundamental misunderstanding of ACLs and SS. Coming from vSphere, I am trying to emulate an inherited DAC permission model, but the XO ACLs seem too limited (I think having an explicit "deny" ACL would dramatically help here by allowing permission "hole-punching"), and the SS isn't dynamic enough.
Can someone help shed some light on how ACLs and SS work together, if at all?
You should have kept on thread, it's easier to track. Anyway, another ping to @pdonias