XO Hub Template: what do you want next?
Ubuntu LTS
I too would request Gns3 VM
+1 for FreePBX for sure
would a unifi sdn controller be a sensible option?
GLPI is an ITIL v2 project started by "Remi Collet" with forums at . GLPI inventories equipment and software on your network and uses that to provide input to a troubleticket system.
- ITIL v2 Service Desk
- Knowledge Base.
- License Management
- Integrates with everything
- LDAP / AD integrated
- Small Business to Data Center Infrastructure Management
- Management of contracts, contacts, documents related to inventory items
- For instance, makes it very easy to manage toner cartridge tracking and supply.
"FusionInventory for GLPI installation" github/fusioninventory
Kali Linux
Parrot OSApplications:
Docker-ready machine with portainer
Unifi AC -
Maybe have a NetBox App for download
DCIM tool. Open Source too
https://netbox.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ -
Definitely Ubuntu
Perhaps Nextcloud
It's an app, not a distro
But yeah, we could use recipes to add apps on top of distros.
@olivierlambert said in XO Hub Template: what do you want next?:
It's an app, not a distro
But yeah, we could use recipes to add apps on top of distros.
It is an app, but there has also been 'distros'/ready made versions, like the the ones for Raspberry Pi or docker.
But perhaps it is better to extend the existing vmware/vbox version together with https://www.hanssonit.se/nextcloud-vm/
I would echo these requests, Kali/Parrot/Docker with Portainer ready (Debian preferred but Ubuntu would also work).
@cyb3rw0lf said in XO Hub Template: what do you want next?:
Kali Linux
Parrot OSApplications:
Docker-ready machine with portainer
Unifi AC -
An easy way to automate VM template build, like an up-to-date packer plugin, would love a terraform ressource
Can we please add Fedora. And also make a way for everyone to be able to create their own custom templates; and why not a marketplace were we can also share them.
Thanks! -
Adding a template is already some work. Adding a market place means to host everything (storage space) + dealing with permissions and so on. That's a huge work
(but not impossible).
Sadly, there isn't a great demand for it, so it's rather low in the current backlog.
At least, I'm confident we'll progress on providing more templates in the future.
You're totally right about the workload, i was just throwing ideas (i personnalyy thought would be useful, and sometimes we dont realise we needed somthing until it is made). I didn't think about the need for the storage spaceMy point was to find a way to make things easy for everyone and also decrease the workload on your side, if people can make their own templates and share them, then you won't have to do every single one of them, and we won't have to wait long before getting some template we need. Maybe at the very least the possibility for one to make his own template is a good start
But what do you say about adding Fedora OS template ?
I'd like to get first to build our XO Packer plugin, that will help us a load to build those
So as soon we got it, we'll create more templates, including Fedora