Netbox Plugin: Error: ipaddr: the address has neither IPv6 nor IPv4 format
Are you up to date? I think we fixed that already
I think so? Unless my script isn't updating the plugins, which is totally possible.
edit: quick look at github says my plugins are fine
Not the latest commit but I don't think it matters in your case. @pdonias any idea?
Its the 5.66.1 release commit-so its damn close.
Hi @theaeon, this should already be fixed, could you check the full log for that error in Settings > Logs? It should give you more details.
Same as the OP.
netbox.synchronize { "pools": [ "582481e9-4e61-a060-6c09-530e35606504" ] } { "message": "ipaddr: the address has neither IPv6 nor IPv4 format", "name": "Error", "stack": "Error: ipaddr: the address has neither IPv6 nor IPv4 format at Object.parse (/opt/xo/xo-builds/xen-orchestra-202112260451/packages/xo-server-netbox/node_modules/ipaddr.js/lib/ipaddr.js:929:19) at Netbox.#synchronize (/opt/xo/xo-builds/xen-orchestra-202112260451/packages/xo-server-netbox/src/index.js:560:35) at Api.callApiMethod (file:///opt/xo/xo-builds/xen-orchestra-202112260451/packages/xo-server/src/xo-mixins/api.mjs:307:20)" }
Thanks @theaeon. Could you check if some of your VMs on that pool have invalid IP addresses? You can do that from the home page by filtering only the VMs on that pool (Pools selector at the top of the page) and expanding the details for all the VMs to show the IP addresses (hamburger button at the top right hand corner). Each IP address must be in its own blue rectangle and with the correct format for either IPv4 or IPv6. Let me know if this is too hard to check, we'll find another way.
@pdonias One of my VMs isn't reporting an IP address. Do you think that could do it?
@theaeon No, that's a normal case and it's handled properly. The issue would be if one of the IPs has 2 IPs in the same field separated by a white space like: "x.x.x.x y.y.y.y", or if the field is just empty or anything else that doesn't look like a proper IP address.
If you want to check the addresses more thoroughly, you can install
withnpm i -g xo-cli
, log into your XO withxo-cli --register <XO-Server URL> <username> <password>
and then runxo-cli --list-objects --addresses type=VM \$pool=<pool ID>
. -
Sorry for bringing up such an old topic, but I have ran into the same issue (when syncing a certain pool to Netbox). I've used
xo-cli --list-objects --addresses type=VM \$pool=<uuid of pool with problems>
to get an idea of the data it's trying to import. There are no instances where there are two IP-addresses seperated by a space (likex.x.x.x y.y.y.y
the ) but there is one instance with an empty value.{ "addresses": { "0/ipv4/0": "x.x.x.x", "1/ipv4/0": "y.y.y.y", "2/ipv4/0": "" } },
I'm running Xen Orchestra commit 667d0 (xo-server 5.96.0 and xo-web 5.97.2).
Thanks for the report
Please update to the latest commit available, and confirm you still have the issue. I'm adding @pdonias in the loop
@olivierlambert Alright, I upgraded to Xen Orchestra commit 82452 but I am still experiencing the same issue.
@pdonias Thanks a lot, this solved the problem!
@vilhelm Thanks for testing, we'll fix it in
@vilhelm That's fixed: Thanks again for the report
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