Has my backup job crash or still in progress?
I have a backup that I started on 23rd may 2023 that is still showing in progress with no error in Xen Orchestra. On the S3 storage I can see that on 41.60GB of the 250GB I am expecting has been received.
Here is the details
How do I know if the process is still in progress or if it crashed?
Thank you -
Are you on the latest commit on master?
@olivierlambert I am using Xen Orchestra community.
Debian 11
Xen Orchestra, commit d7ce6
xo-server 5.114.2
xo-web 5.117.1 -
@fred974 as @olivierlambert said, please test from master
it's probably stuck. We are currently working that would free us from most of the xapi task that may be cut by the host without information
@florent Thank you for the update
i can say that timeout option is still ignored. Also after last backup refactoring commits.
Some of my jobs hangs almost every day. I'm going to test how it will works with 1 remote + mirror instead of 2 remotes backup.