Auto power on delay seconds not set or change with Xen Orchestra
If I set the vm auto power on in Xen Orchestra web interface community version it works. But the Start delay (seconds) in the web interface does not change anything in the config and the variable auto_poweron_delay is not set or changed when I look with xe vm-param-list uuid=....
Only when I type in at the cli: xe vm-param-set other-config:auto_poweron_delay=30 uuid=.... does the variable auto_poweron_delay appear or change.
Xen Orchestra, commit fd2c7
xo-server 5.113.0
xo-web 5.116.1 -
Thanks for the report. Pinging @Melissa-FR about this
I think JanP is on point here. I just test it for auto power on and it works like a charm.To close the loop if your team use the toggle for Auto power on to show and hide a new added feature called "Auto power on delay (seconds)" on this gui this will satisfy many people trying to find the "Auto power on delay (seconds)" a new feature request. Many people have been getting confused with "Start delay (seconds)" for "Auto power on delay (seconds)". So adding this will be a huge delight and since this is an existing cli in xcp-ng hopefully its simple enough.
// This will update delay to 30 sec xe vm-param-set other-config:auto_poweron_delay=30 uuid=<VM_UUID> // This will turn off the delay xe vm-param-set other-config:auto_poweron_delay= uuid=<VM_UUID> // This will leave delay ON but set time to 0 sec. Do NOTE that "0" set delay to 0 while a blank "" like above remove auto power on delay. xe vm-param-set other-config:auto_poweron_delay= uuid=<VM_UUID>
I just expecting the "Auto power on delay (seconds)" to look like "Start delay (seconds)" gui wise but just under the "Auto power on" to make it obvious enough for people hopefully. Til this day never really understand the "Start delay (seconds)" loleven after using XCP-ng for testing for the last 2 years at least.
Thanks all! Please like this if it helps anyone else
as it's a backup cli solution until the gui is hopefully updated with this feature.
@wilsonqanda This may be included in XO6, but I understand the value in it.
@DustinB Totally in line with you but in the meantime since i figure this cli out too now i am totally ok with what i have currently and its not too pressing.