So I noticed under pool - stats the cpu usage is very high. what is this referencing? my host cpu usage is nowhere near what's reported under the pool.
Latest posts made by jebrown
pool cpu usage vs host cpu usage
RE: Vsphere Xfer failed "DEVICE_ALREADY_EXISTS"
Will adding by CLI cause any issues with migrations or backups?
RE: Vsphere Xfer failed "DEVICE_ALREADY_EXISTS"
That was the issue! Thank you! I reduced it to 6 and the transfer is now running......... Will there be support for more than 7 VIF's or is there a way to add more than 7 now?
RE: Vsphere Xfer failed "DEVICE_ALREADY_EXISTS"
@olivierlambert the 1G drive is set up for some software licensing we have.
@Danp theres 10 VIF on that one
RE: Vsphere Xfer failed "DEVICE_ALREADY_EXISTS"
no nothing special,
windows 2019 datacenter server with 3 drives 1GB, 60GB, 80GB no other drives or passthrough devices mounted.
I've moved several others with the exact same configuration and this one was in process when we had a network failure a few weeks ago... made it to about 30% complete at that time. Now when I try, it tells me it already exists but I cannot find where its located. I checked my shared SR (iscsi) looked in XOA under vm's and checked xcp-ng host to see if it was listed.XCP-NG V8.3
XOA V5.100.2 -
Vsphere Xfer failed "DEVICE_ALREADY_EXISTS"
So I've already transferred 31 other machines but had one fail due to a network interruption.... this was a couple of weeks ago and now I'm back to transferring, when I retry this one I get an error that the device already exists but I cannot find any drives in my iscsi storage nor is it listed in the XCP console or XOA console... How do I clean this up so I can transfer
"succeeded": {}, "message": "DEVICE_ALREADY_EXISTS(1)", "name": "XapiError", "stack": "XapiError: DEVICE_ALREADY_EXISTS(1) at Function.wrap (file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/xo-server/node_modules/xen-api/_XapiError.mjs:16:12) at file:///usr/local/lib/node_modules/xo-server/node_modules/xen-api/transports/json-rpc.mjs:38:21 at runNextTicks (node:internal/process/task_queues:60:5) at processImmediate (node:internal/timers:454:9) at process.callbackTrampoline (node:internal/async_hooks:130:17)"
RE: Deployment of XOA
I don't "need" to deploy with xo-lite I just wanted to report it in case it was a bug with static ip configuration.
RE: Deployment of XOA
I can try again later today, or tomorrow. I have several hours' worth of transfers to run
Deployment of XOA
not sure where to put this. but I had an issue with XOA deployment using XO-lite
- XO fresh install beta RC1 ran yum update
- go to xo-lite web interface and deploy xoa
- set up as static ip
deployment successful but I cannot ping or access XOA... IP showed set correctly for XOA
- power down XOA and go to use exact same static IP settings and success with pings and web access