Hi again, I tried to reproduce the issue, but obviously as I do not have the same LDAP server and content as yours it is not easy. So I setup the plugin as follow:
User filter: (|(objectclass=posixAccount))
ID Attribute: uid
Group filter: (objectclass=posixGroup)
ID Attribute: gidNumber
Display name attribute: cn
Group attribute: memberUid
User attribute: uid
With this I can see :
- All the groups synced from LDAP to XO
- Users inside the groups (from the groups page)
- Users belong to un number of groups (from the users page)
I also tuned the config as follow:
User filter: (&(objectclass=posixAccount)(uid={{name}})
ID Attribute: uid
Group filter: (&(objectclass=posixGroup)(cn=group1))
ID Attribute: gidNumber
Display name attribute: cn
Group attribute: memberUid
User attribute: uid
- Only the
is synced
- User and group matching works as expected.
Then is the two cases, I could create ACL that grant admin priviliges on one or more objects to a group and so its users.
Can you trigger a group sync and look for error in logs?