@fred974 Is this for production, or non-production?
RE: Xen Orchestra on publicly accessible VM
RE: Xen Orchestra on publicly accessible VM
Nothing is secure enough, for it depends on your requirements and scope. It's a very bad practice to open such interfaces to the public space. As a suggestion - SSH tunnel, site-to-site VPN. There are a lot of potential solutions, but as I said it all depends on your security policy.
RE: Intel iGPU passthough
Could you please tell us what your motherboard is called? Last time I tried, my motherboard didn't support it, though it was Intel. Also I assume such a thing is not possible on Intel Xeon chipsets like Intel
C242 chipset?
I noticed when I create a new PIF and assign a VLAN then want to delete it, I can't do it as long as it has a VLAN. But for example I had VLAN 1000 and I couldn't erase it to have None, and was getting the error PIF_VLAN_STILL_EXISTS. I had to instead write -1 in the VLAN field, then it cleared the VLAN. Otherwise I couldn't do it. I think it's a good place to have an info button or smth that says to delete you need to write -1. Thanks for your tool!!! -
I was wondering if Vates or the community has heard of people deploying XO in kubernetes? Thanks!
Xen online security
Hi, I know exposing stuff to the internet is bad per se for security. But do people expose Orchestra to internet in production environments?
RE: Xen Orchestra and guest utilities on Fedora 36, XCP-ng 8.2
Hi! I wished to update that the Fedora 36 guest utilities provide now the networking data, they fixed the issue.
Xen Orchestra and guest utilities on Fedora 36, XCP-ng 8.2
Hello, I have some issues with the xen orchestra reporting no data on networking despite the fact I installed the guest utilities them. Indeed the same issue is on xcp-ng center. Do you have any idea what could be wrong? I checked the github of the upstream repository and it wasn't updated in years.
P.S. I submitted a bug report to fedora bugzilla, will keep posted if they can solve it. As this isn't just for one VM. I have 2 servers, and both the same issue
RE: VM autostart
@Darkbeldin I think so...
To clarify I exported all vms from 8.1 wiped the drives and did a clean XCP-ng 8.2 install. Then I imported the VMs via XO. As far as I know auto-power-on wasn't enabled, I think I enabled it by clicking it. I haven't had the opportunity to do more restart tests because this server is always on for various tasks... -
VM autostart
After a power outage I checked why some things were not working, so for some reason on a XCP-NG 8.2.1 system with XO xo-server 5.93.1 xo-web 5.96.0 some VMs on this given host were not auto starting... Never had this issue, and XO works fine for the other machines... What could possibly be the issue, do you know of any way to debug this and get to the bottom?Yeah I build XO myself, but as I said there are absolutely no issues with other machines... Which is weird.
I recently reinstalled the said problematic host and relogged in to XO with it.
RE: XO Lite: building an embedded UI in XCP-ng
ERROR: cannot verify lite.xen-orchestra.com's certificate, issued by ‘/C=US/O=Let's Encrypt/CN=R3’: Issued certificate has expired. To connect to lite.xen-orchestra.com insecurely, use `--no-check-certificate'.
Just a heads-up your certificate expired.
RE: Xen Orchestra REST API
@olivierlambert Thanks for your patience. I have no idea how I missed it as I reread the blog post twice.
Xen Orchestra REST API
Sorry maybe I missed it but where do you keep your new REST API specifications so I can study it? https://xen-orchestra.com/blog/xen-orchestra-5-69/ says it's an alpha feature or smthCan you link me to github or somewhere as I can't find it
RE: Importing vm to XCP-NG 8.2 fails
I used export feature in XO. On another pool. Then I used the import feature on the 8.2 pool.
Importing vm to XCP-NG 8.2 fails
So I tried to import a vm I exported from another pool(8.1) to 8.2 via XO.
And I get the following in the XO logs:HANDLE_INVALID(VM, OpaqueRef:3de6b1e1-9101-454b-9ac8-d4f42d8b4b63)
Why does it fail to import?!