But my Meta&XO Backup works....
Is there a way to see the logs for backup so I can figerout what is wrong
RE: Backup after Trial end
Backup after Trial end
My Trial has ended.
So has a my backups.
Looking at the plugins tabb I can only see 2 plugins.
Telemetry and SOA
Hmmm ?
Something is wrong and I can not figur out what -
RE: Raid
@DustinB This looks great. All dark in "hacker mode"and all. Lots of info on this.
I just wanna know that my softraid is okej
RE: Raid
@Danp I am running 8.2.1.
The only thing I want to know if something happens to may softraid.
Looking in the advance tab I only have "system disk health" and that is empty. -
I went looking for some way to monitor disk status.
I looked in settings tab, and if there was a plugin for monitor the drivers on my system.But I could not make head or tail out of it.
Is there a tool to monitor disk or softraid?
How do I install that ? -
RE: import of Ubuntu
Plenty Thx u all !
I can now ping !
Now You have teached me something !Most greatfull for your help
RE: import of Ubuntu
@Danp I have done the following:
sudo apt remove open-vm-toolssudo rm -r /etc/vmware-tools
sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/open-vm-tools.service
sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/vmtoolsd.service
sudo rm -r /etc/systemd/system/open-vm-tools.service.requires
sudo rm -r /etc/vmware-toolssudo apt autoremove
And still no IP
RE: import of Ubuntu
@Danp So the VM tools for XCP isn't recommended ?
Why ?
Is that not recommended for all OS or just Ubuntu?
That was the first thing I did when it was not working. -
RE: import of Ubuntu
And under advance I have tried to change the NIC type to Intel E 1000
Default was RTL8139 that did not help. -
RE: import of Ubuntu
@Danp Yes ! It is on the same as all other vms that I have. I only have 2 but they work. So dont need to do anything in ubuntu OS to make it work ?
import of Ubuntu
Hello !
I am trying to import at Ubuntu 20.04.5 from a vmware esxi 6.7.0I have done this via GUI - Import From VMware. Done this in cold mode.
All works fine me. The vms boots up ok and all....
But I get no networking.
Any advice ?