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RE: EOL: XCP-ng Center has come to an end (New Maintainer!)
RE: EOL: XCP-ng Center has come to an end (New Maintainer!)
its a big task, but would be cool
RE: EOL: XCP-ng Center has come to an end (New Maintainer!)
@michael-manley shure, go for it
maybe let us talk via private message
RE: Seeking community insight/review of my first Homelab design (includes some open technical questions)
@olivierlambert to add up:
A backup isn't a backup, until you tested the restore sucessfully.
EOL: XCP-ng Center has come to an end (New Maintainer!)
Hello XCP-ng Center users,
Citrix (or Cloud Software Group, Inc.) has ended the open source development of their XenCenter as noted here:
With that, for me its basically over, because the XenCenter codebase is the foundation of XCP-ng Center and I can not maintain this huge C# software with my limited time without this code base.
Today I released a nightly build for you all to test with XCP-ng 8.3 (beta):
If all goes well and nothing pops up, this will be the base for the last XCP-ng Center Release 2023.12.In the future I want to contribute to the web gui XO Lite, to get as much XCP-ng Center vibes into it, so we have a good alternative to XCP-ng Center soon.
Here you can follow the XO Lite progress:
Thanks for all the help and feedback!
RE: XCP-ng Center and XCP-ng 8.3 beta
new nighlty build available:
RE: XO Lite Development
@olivierlambert ok, so I was a bit too fast here:
RE: XO Lite Development
is there a great plan, what should be implemented first, or should someone just start and PR on Github?
RE: XO Lite Development
what I build so far (yet uncommited, just local)
don't know if that is usefull in the end... at least it was a good exercise to get a bit familiar with the sourcecode
RE: XO Lite Development
How do you debug xo-lite in VSCode?
My breakpoints don't match up, it stops way to early. Breakpoint is on line 64, VSCode jumps to line 11
My Setup:
- Ubuntu 23.10
- Firefox (Snap)
- VSCode 1.85.1
My config:
sourcemap: true,
{ "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "name": "Launch localhost", "type": "firefox", "request": "launch", "reAttach": true, "url": "http://localhost:3000", "webRoot": "${workspaceFolder}", "tmpDir": "/home/alex/tmp", "pathMappings": [ { "url": "http://localhost:3000", "path": "${workspaceFolder}" } ], "keepProfileChanges": true, "profileDir": "/home/alex/snap/firefox/common/.mozilla/firefox/12b2my3n.debug", "log": { "consoleLevel": { "PathConversion": "Debug", "default": "Error" } } } ] }
XO Lite Development
Hey @olivierlambert - actually I try to get startet with VSCode and XO Lite. Just compiling and locking around.
I see your arguments with the end of XCP-ng Center. But first I want to have a look at XO Lite and see if I can understand the programming and internals of it.
You said, its possible to get a little tour "How to Develop for XO Lite".
I'm not very famliliar with npm and typescript and all that stuff, just worked with joomla and HTML / PHP / CSS a bit. But I think, with the basic programming principles in mind, its should not be too hard to get a look inside and play around
@cocoon are you also interessted?
RE: XCP-ng Center and XCP-ng 8.3 beta
@Anonabhar interessting ... this is a bug from upstream
, i wondered about the API-versions in one of the enums.
Ticket created:
RE: XCP-ng Center and XCP-ng 8.3 beta
I published a nigthly build:
XCP-ng Center and XCP-ng 8.3 beta
Hello XCP-ng Center users!
I found some time for XCP-ng Center and put together a quick and dirty version with the latest upstream changes from
It works with XCP-ng 8.3 beta.
Download and Info here:
RE: Alert: Control Domain Memory Usage
[02:27 xen19 ~]# uname -a Linux xen19 4.19.142 #1 SMP Tue Nov 3 11:27:36 CET 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[02:30 xen19 ~]# yum list installed | grep kernel kernel.x86_64 4.19.19- @xcp-ng-updates kernel-alt.x86_64 4.19.142-1.xcpng8.2 @xcp-ng-base
memory graph so far:
looking very good!!!
RE: Alert: Control Domain Memory Usage
@r1 our complete setup:
[FreeNAS NFS] <----shared-storage----> [Pool of 2 servers (xen22 + xen23)] ----XAPI---> [XO from sources] -----remote----> [FreeNAS NFS]
All [servers] are real hardware servers, no VMs involved.
Same chain of servers for xen19, execpt there are more pool members (and VMs).
RE: Alert: Control Domain Memory Usage
@stormi I'm not complete sure if I did the iso upgrade or not...
But it's a good idea to reinstall the poolmaster from scratch...